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 Huskies and small dogs

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Female Join date : 2013-05-08
Location : Australia

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PostSubject: Huskies and small dogs   Huskies and small dogs EmptySun May 26, 2013 8:58 pm

Hi Guys

I have been reading through these forums and have noticed some people have successfully been able to have a husky and a small dog eg a chihuahua in the same house. My question is how did you achieve that? Were they bought up together?

Shadow is now 11 weeks old. We bought him home when he was 7.5 weeks and the 2nd day we had him a friend came over with her 4 month old chihuahua at first they we fine, but as soon as Rex the chihuahua ran Shadow chased (which I understand is the instinct of a husky) Shadow grabbed Rex and began to shake him. At 7.5 weeks old this is just playing right??
I was hoping if they grew up together they may just get along....

In the last week my friend has bought him back around Shadow is very very interested in him... Rex on the other hands is afraid of him.

So my question is... is it possible to bring a chihuahua and husky up together? If so any tips? Or should I just accept that these 2 breeds really arent ever going to along?

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Male Join date : 2013-04-28

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PostSubject: Re: Huskies and small dogs   Huskies and small dogs EmptySun May 26, 2013 9:36 pm

My experience is that shaking isnt playing. Our older dog (border collie/aussie shepherd mix) shakes toys but never plays with other dogs that way. Harry does the typical husky thing and play bites and wrestles, but I have never seen him shake anything except the few garden snakes he's caught.

You're doing good by starting early with introducing the small dog. The more interaction they have while their young the better. Any interaction they have needs to be 100% supervised. Keep in mind that at 4mo any negative interactions for the chihuahua could result in a life time of fear/timidness towards larger dogs. When Shadow gets playing too rough, give him timeout in a crate for 5-10 min.
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Female Join date : 2013-05-08
Location : Australia

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PostSubject: Re: Huskies and small dogs   Huskies and small dogs EmptySun May 26, 2013 9:57 pm

Would you suggest keeping shadow on a lead when rex is out walking about so I can correct him? Or will that make Shadow want him more?

I didnt see him chase after rex, my friend did but I did have to pry open his jaw to get Rex out... she described it as shaking... I thought maybe he thought rex was a toy? He is a very small dog.

One question about Time out.... if I crate him for time out... will shadow think I am punishing him in his crate? each time he goes in his crate he gets a kong... bone.. or something exciting to occupy his mind, if he doesnt get that will he think its punishment?

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Female Join date : 2012-08-11
Location : Toronto, ON

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PostSubject: Re: Huskies and small dogs   Huskies and small dogs EmptyMon May 27, 2013 11:34 am

I would not use the crate for punishment, use the bathroom or a room where you can close the door and leave him. Crate is meant for happy things so that your husky loves it! You don't want him to fear it!

I would say just having the socialization with smaller dogs is the first step. So if you see him doing something wrong while playing with Rex, remove him from the situation and don't let him back out until he is calm, continue this until he gets the point that rough (shaking) play is not acceptable
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Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

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PostSubject: Re: Huskies and small dogs   Huskies and small dogs EmptyMon May 27, 2013 3:16 pm

Shaking should never be tolerated with other dogs. You can absolutely have huskies and small dogs together, it just requires more work and keeping a closer eye on them together. All my dogs were adopted as adults, we got our sibe first, then our 2 chihuahuas later. You have to teach your husky pup what behavior is acceptable and what isn't. The shaking is a definite no-no and needs to be nipped in the bud immediately.

Never use the crate for any sort of punishment, it should only be the source of good things.

Huskies and small dogs Summer10
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Male Join date : 2013-04-28

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PostSubject: Re: Huskies and small dogs   Huskies and small dogs EmptyMon May 27, 2013 3:18 pm

As far as using a lead to help correct shadow, that can be difficult call. If you need to use correction, you'll be pulling back at his neck which could make him fight more. Without a lead you will need to be in the thick of it and risk getting bitten. You really just want to be there close and watching them. You step in and set the boundaries for what is too rough and what is acceptable play. A lead might help walk shadow to time out if needed.

Robinhuskylover2231 wrote:
I would not use the crate for punishment, use the bathroom or a room where you can close the door and leave him. Crate is meant for happy things so that your husky loves it! You don't want him to fear it!

Oops you're right,

I forgot to mention that we have a timeout crate and both dogs have their own happy crates. We tried putting them in the bathroom for timeout, but Harry started chewing on the trim-work so we now have a timeout crate in that room.

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Male Join date : 2013-01-31
Location : Statesboro, GA

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PostSubject: Re: Huskies and small dogs   Huskies and small dogs EmptyMon May 27, 2013 6:41 pm

Shaking is a no no. Vegeta loves to put his mouth around smaller dogs, but he doesn't bite down anymore. They easily slip away from him when he puts hit mouth around them so I know he isn't biting down and at the slightest sound he immediately lets go and looks for me (he knows that if something isn't ok that I'm the one that puts him in punishment so he likes to know if I approve or not). He shook a dog ONCE and that brought an immediate baby spank (I do not hit my dog but a little pat on their fanny is a sometimes) and a time out while the other dogs got to play in his face while he sat and watched. He hasn't done it since.

My only advice is for you to make it very clear that he CANNOT shake the dog. I'm not dog trainer so take my advice with a grain of salt, but try holding Shadow and just sit there with him and let Rex approach him at his own speed (may take a while) so the smaller dog gets comfortable with him. After a time slowly let Shadow smell Rex. Only smell and lick and say hey, no playing. Then once they've become acquainted let him play a little but keep a very close eye on it and correct him as soon as it seems like he's getting too rough for the little one.

Vegeta had to learn this way. I'd lay him on his back and let the little puppies sniff him and play with him and now every time he plays with little pups or just small dogs in general he acknowledges that they are smaller and must play with them accordingly.
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Female Join date : 2013-05-08
Location : Australia

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PostSubject: Re: Huskies and small dogs   Huskies and small dogs EmptyMon May 27, 2013 7:12 pm

Hi Guys, thank you soooo very much for your advice!! I understand this will take time, but now I have something to try I will stick with it and hope that in time it works.

It would be nice to know that Rex can come and visit and be safe.

I will actually start using these suggestions with my cavaliers too and shadow, at the moment as he is their size they are giving it back to shadow just as much but I do worry that when he is bigger than them it could get too rough. A time out room sounds like a very good idea.

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Female Join date : 2013-05-08
Location : Australia

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PostSubject: Re: Huskies and small dogs   Huskies and small dogs EmptyTue May 28, 2013 2:59 am

I have a quick question about "time out". Id like to give this a question is... how and for how long.

So for example, Shadow is being too rough with my cavaliers, do I growl at him, then pick him up and take him to the room? What do I say when I put him in there?
No doubt he will carry on like a pork chop... I assume I wait until he is quiet and then let him out.... do I say anything when I let him out?

sorry for the silly questions but id like to do it properly...


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Male Join date : 2013-04-28

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PostSubject: Re: Huskies and small dogs   Huskies and small dogs EmptyTue May 28, 2013 9:32 am

Id used whatever phrase you want him to associate with it. Something like No! Too rough. This would help when he reaches a point where timeouts arent needed. Others could be Play nice or Play gentle. For timeout length, this is up to you. Id do anywhere from 2-5 min, at the end, he must sit until told Play gentle. If he wont listen/sit, he hasnt calmed down and "reset".

As far as barking while in timeout, maybe others can help here. Harry was well socalized with small animals when we got him so idk if i would address the barking at the same time. He may be in timeout for 30+ minutes and forget why he was put in there if you wait for him to stop barking.
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