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 Need help with my new rescue!!

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Female Join date : 2013-07-07

Need help with my new rescue!! Empty
PostSubject: Need help with my new rescue!!   Need help with my new rescue!! EmptySun Jul 07, 2013 1:08 pm

We rescued a Siberian husky/ Malamute (Timber) about a month ago. The vet believes he is between 1 1/2-3 years old. He has been tested for heart worms and came back negative. He is a very smart boy he already new his basic commands and got along well with other dogs. We have a full 1 year old sibe name Oakley and we had him since he was 11 weeks old. Everything has been going great so far between the two of them. But recently Timber (the rescue) has been potting in the house. He is house broken and we take them out frequently. We know when he has to go out because he will run to the door. We had no problems with him going inside until recently, he only has peed inside never pooped. My Aunt has been a vet tech for 30+ years, I called her and she said to bring his urine in and they will check to see if he has a UTI. Well it came back fine, they also checked for diabetes and bunch of other stuff and everything came back normal. Timber was already neutered when we got him. Not every time does he do this but he will go out and potty then come back in and 30 min later he will potty in the house. Its usually in the same areas where he has gone before too. Luckily we have steam cleaner and we suck it up right away. He is a very emotional boy and he looks like a totally different dog then the first day we got him. I do not think Timber has ever been brushed until we got him. His skin was really bad and flaky, we had to tear apart his coat just to get to the skin to put flea medicine on him. After 24 hours putting the flea medicine on him we gave him his first bath with us. We used really good shampoo and really worked it in and scrubbed his whole body. Till this day we are still brushing him and filling up bags of hair. We honestly thought he was over weight when we first saw him and after getting rid most of that hair by brushing non stop he is actually not over weight. We feed him the same food that we have always fed Oakley which is Acana. Which has helped a lot with his coat. Does anyone have any suggestions about the potting in the house? We do correct him if we catch him in the act. I know Oakley used to potty on my daughter bed when he was little and we figured out he was doing that to mark his scent with hers but he doesn't do that know more. So any help with the rescue with be very helpful.
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Husky Collector

Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

Need help with my new rescue!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need help with my new rescue!!   Need help with my new rescue!! EmptySun Jul 07, 2013 1:18 pm

Make sure you're using an enzyme cleaner to clean the areas (Natures Miracle and the like.) A post was made today on a force-free training group I belong to on FB... Many have actually had success feeding the dog where they had been inappropriately eliminating in the house. Most don't eliminate where they eat. If it is common practice to urinate outside, and then come inside and mark within the half hour- perhaps crating or tethering him for that 30 mins and then taking him back out to an area to eliminate? Other suggestions would be to vary your walking path and give him more "pee mail" opportunities.

Force Free Training Thread
Cheyenne, Mishka, Mickey, Rodeo, & Odin
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Female Join date : 2013-07-07

Need help with my new rescue!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need help with my new rescue!!   Need help with my new rescue!! EmptySun Jul 07, 2013 1:38 pm

We have never had any success with urine eliminator but I will try the natures miracle. We do take the dogs to our local dog park everyday sometimes twice a day if its nice out. So they can fully run without me having to worry about them running off. Since it is summer time here and the temps with heat index are starting to get in the 100s we still take them to park even though its getting dark out because we all know they need to get their energy out. lol I am going to try feeding him where he has been urinating in the house. We have tried to do the crate thing with him because Oakley is crate train and that's where Oakley sleeps at night. But Timber must of had bad experience with a crate with his previous owners. I am not sure what happened, I wish I did. I've tried everything to find his previous owners but had no luck. All I wanted to know is history and what his real name was and how old he actually was. These people moved away and left him tied up in the yard. Luckily a family friend saw him and took him and that's how we ended up with Timber. Breaks my heart on how people could just do that. Thanks for the awesome advice and I will give it a try.
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Female Join date : 2012-11-03
Location : San Antonio, TX

Need help with my new rescue!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need help with my new rescue!!   Need help with my new rescue!! EmptyMon Jul 08, 2013 10:28 am

If he was tied up outside, he's probably never been crate trained. So you would have to start that from the beginning, acting like he's just a puppy and new to the whole thing. He will cry, that's normal. But he does need a safe place to go when he's uncomfortable. And it does sound like he's marking, hopefully the food thing helps!
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Female Join date : 2013-07-07

Need help with my new rescue!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need help with my new rescue!!   Need help with my new rescue!! EmptyMon Jul 08, 2013 5:25 pm

Before we got timber the people that found him did not want to take him to our local shelter. They took him to a local doggy day care for a couple days because they was leaving town. We also did not want to bring him in our house hold right away because was still discussing on weather to adopt him or not. Plus we already had a 1 year old husky 5 year old Pom and two cats. We wanted to make sure timber was friendly and got along well with other animals and to make sure he had no health issues. We brought him over for one afternoon to see how our dogs would get along with him and vise versa. Everything went great! The day care also did a temperate test on him because they do not accept dogs with out passing the test. He did fine, he was a little on the dominate side but they did say when he was trying to be alpha towards other dogs they would just tell him to be nice or him hey and he would just walk away and listen. We took him to the vet that following week to get everything checked out and make sure he had no health issues. Thank The Lord he didn't because Idk I would have been able to keep the guy if he ended up with heart worms or something serious. Since those treatments are expensive and I had my other fur babies to care for as well. But by that point I was already in love with timber and I would have probaby had done all I could do to pay for a treatment or done fundraiser to help pay for treatments. But didn't have to since he was a healthy boy. We had a crate set up for him but he forbid going in when we would leave or it was bed time. But when it came to bed time we stop forcing him and he eventually went in his crate and slept on his own. But would freak out If the door was shut. We did take the crate down because we trusted him enough not to destroy anything or hurt the other animals. 1. He's scared of the little Pom lol we don't know why but he has absoutly nothing to do with him. Now when it comes to the cats he was so fascinated by them at first but now he realize they are just another fur baby in the house hold. Plus cats have a gated off room they stay in that's their domain. So after we put the crate away about week later he started the peeing so has of yesterday we put it back up and he's still not wanting to go in if being forced but last night he went straight to his crate and went to sleep. So something sets him off when he's in a crate with door closed. We are gonna work with him and show him that's he safe and nothing bad will happen. It's gonna take some time for him to trust us on the crate thing but he's a smart boy. Breaks my heart no knowing what his previous life was like. I know he knows what a crate is because when my daughter would be in her room watching tv, Oakley would be laying with her on the bed because that's his mama and his crate is in her room. Timber sometimes go in there and go into Oakley crate and go to sleep. Haha now Oakley didn't really like that considering that was his bed even though he wasn't laying in it. Oakley gave my daughter this look like "uh what does he think he's doing". I have timber crate in my bedroom close to my side of the bed so he can see me. So hoping with time he will figure it out. My daughter has actually been using Oakley to help train timber in many ways.
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