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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 3:43 pm

As most of you know, I volunteer for a husky rescue, and one of the things I get a lot is that a young husky, under the age of 2, needs a companion.

I know that having 2 sometimes help with training but I don't necessarily think it always has to be the 'rule'. If I'm off here, please let me know.

I am looking at an application that I think one of our younger, active huskies would do just fine. The application works 3 days a week, 12-hour shifts, and intend to have friends help walk the husky, or hire someone to come and take a dog for a walk a few times on the days she works, or even make doggy daycare arrangements. She typically will run 3 miles a day or hike, and is active through the year. Even on the days she does work, she still will get in a quick run. Her fence is 4ft in some places, and in other places, it's 5 ft. She has had Labs in the past, but not a husky. But when asked, 'What can you tell me about Huskies ?' She replied that she's read they are intelligent, active, has 2 shed cycles, and is bred to run and because they can also be so independent, they are not off leash dogs like Labs.

I have yet to meet her, but so far, I think she may make a good home for one of the huskies.....What do you all think?

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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 3:46 pm

I think she sounds good as long as she does have friends coming to let the husky out on those long 12 hour work days. but i also worry about that shorter fence
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 3:51 pm

She also understands they are escape artists so I don't think she'll leave the husky unattended in her yard. It'll be something I'll confirm again along with everything else to make sure she has a solid understanding of the breed.

What points can I argue about not necessarily needing another companion for younger huskies?

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 3:55 pm

To be honest, Koda would do fine with a 4ft-5ft fence, even chainlink. I'd make sure the dog you suggest isn't really interested in jumping a fence. I'd personally never let my dog be out alone without a 6ft fence though, so I'd make that point clear to her.
If she is willing to do doggy daycare maybe once or twice a week (I'm assuming she's a nurse and can afford it) the day before her 12 hour day, I think she'd be fine, as long as someone could let them out or take them for a short walk.

Sort of confused about the first sentence though and why you put it there, are you thinking it's sort of maybe not a good idea since she doesn't have other dogs (I don't see it saying she currently has one)? Or does the rescue? Most people who rescued rescued their dogs under 2 years, a lot under 1 year.. and they survived!
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Female Join date : 2011-07-01
Location : Augusta, GA

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 3:58 pm

Providing she actually makes arrangements to have the dog taken care of in her absence, it sounds like it could be a good fit. Her active, athletic lifestyle is definitely a plus! Sounds like she knows the basics of what having a husky might be like; have you thought about directing her to this website for additional information, just to be sure she knows what she's getting into? Wink
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Husky Collector

Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 4:00 pm

Yeah i'm a little confused about the 2 dog thing as well...

I think she'd be OK. With some explanation about the fencing and using caution i'm sure things would be just fine. I'd let her know though that crating that dog on the days she's gone a long time would really help less of her things get destroyed. Even a well exercised Husky can be destructive when thrown into a new situation like that.

As for 2 dogs... I always think it's more fun with 2. I don't think there's an actual NEED for another dog but I wouldn't have just 1 dog again. But that's for me, not for the dog really lol

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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 4:04 pm

i was also confused with the needing 2 question... is she thinking she will want/need 2 huskies? i think for most of us a second just always happens.... thinking she will crate the one on her work days does not support the need for a 2nd to keep it busy as they cant play being crated. i think as long as she somehow agrees to make sure someone is checking on the husking on the work days it should be fine.

Rescue Help Iaht10
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Male Join date : 2010-09-22
Location : Moore, OK

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 4:05 pm

That sounds more promising than some of the applications I seen for fosters we had.

The fence may not be an issue depending on area distractions (other critters, noises, etc), how safe and loved the dog feels and of course the activity it gets. I agree with the daycare suggestion on one of her 12 hour days. Also make sure at least to start the dog remains indoors unless supervised to test it's propensity for escape.
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 4:05 pm

'The rescue' seems to think that ALL huskies under the age of 2 NEEDS a companion dog. I don't think is necessarily always true. So I'm looking for ways to argue that back. I don't want this applicant denied just because she doesn't have another dog for a young husky.

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Male Join date : 2010-09-22
Location : Moore, OK

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 4:20 pm

it just depends on the animal. A dog park is a good way to tell how social they are. I got my dog Mikko when he was 2, he's now 8 and in all that time he has always been more people oriented than dog oriented. At the dog park he greets all the people but could care less about playing with other dogs for the most part.
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Rescue Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-09-09
Location : Deltona, FL

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 5:14 pm

I do not think it is a rule of thumb that huskies under 2 need a companion dog. That's just silly. Yeah, they may have more fun, but it's not necessary.

I think she sounds like a good home. Depending on the husky, I think 4ft fence isn't a deal breaker...cause...ummm....I have a 4ft chain link fence!


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Ms. Amicable

Female Join date : 2009-05-20
Location : Glenville, NY

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 5:23 pm

Koda was in our home, in our apartment, from 7 months until 2 years old without Hailey and he did just fine. Life was EASIER for us once we got Hailey and Koda, as a husky or any dog would, enjoyed having a companion, but I don't under any circumstances think it was necessary.

To me, I would shoot back to the rescue, "Why does age make a difference?" Because I see no reason that a young dog NEEDS a companion dog over an older husky. Is it energy? Cause let's face it, huskies never lose that energy. They stay puppies well past the age of 2. So why is a 2 year old husky different than a 3 year old husky?

You can best argue their "rule of thumb" when you find out why that rule is there. Is it destruction? Because that can be solved with crate training and proper exercise. Is it loneliness? Because a young husky is just as likely to be lonely as an older husky. Find out their reasoning and I could give you plenty of reasons why it's not true Wink

It's a husky thing... you wouldn't understand.

Rescue Help Hailey10
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 6:45 pm

The main reasoning behind a younger husky needing to be placed with another dog is for 'training/destruction', among all the other points you mentioned, Tori.

I never really did understand why until I started doing more adoptions. Another 'rule' that was a deal breaker on adoption applicants was if they lived in an apartment. I broke that and argued back when I get that application. Before they even talked to the girl, they said to let her know that because had no sibe experience and lived in apartment, we could not adopt to her. I went ahead and called her and asked, 'What can you tell about the breed that you've learned in reading up on them and researching them?' And then when I found out that she's very active and had a flex work schedule with the option of bring her husky to work, I sent it back to the board with a recommendation to approve. They took that chance, and now they will make exceptions. When I reported back to the board that this girl still managed to exercise her husky when it was pouring rain by walking up and down the flights of stairs in her building, they were quite impressed!

I just got back from a home visit on this one, and she lives in a 4-plex house - basically a big house with 4 seperate dwellings. Once could look at it as a small apartment complex and the 'yard' could be the complex grounds where dogs are allowed to potty but not allowed off leash. It has a 4 tf chain link fence, but she already stated that she wouldn't feel comfortable letting a husky off leash in the 'yard' until she was confident it wouldn't jump the fence.

I'm going to recommend her for approval.

Thanks for all the feedback!

I have ammo in case the board doesn't want to approve her application.

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Ms. Amicable

Female Join date : 2009-05-20
Location : Glenville, NY

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 6:50 pm

Claudia- remind them that the training and destruction is a load of bull. Koda has learned more BAD habits from Hailey than good ones! A young husky needs structure and discipline... clear boundaries, not another dog to learn from.

It's a husky thing... you wouldn't understand.

Rescue Help Hailey10
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Rescue Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 6:53 pm

I think your board needs to be a little more open minded and actually look into dog behavior.. 2 dogs can ALWAYS lead to way more destruction.. depends on the dogs. If Koda wasn't such a good boy, I'm sure Rogue wouldn't be either.
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 6:55 pm


I've gotten them to be more open about applicants in apartments so the 'fence requirement' is the next one I'm working one!

Now, if this girl said she was going to leave her husky tied up in the yard while she was at work, then I'd decline her app!

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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 7:04 pm

im hoping the "new" board will have better "rules" on adopting.... good luck with this one and have her come check out the meet up on sunday!

Rescue Help Iaht10
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Male Join date : 2010-09-22
Location : Moore, OK

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 7:07 pm

I would encourage a followup team if your rescue doesn't have one. It helps ease a lot of fears to be able to check in a few months down the road to make sure things are working out.
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 7:09 pm

jbealer wrote:
im hoping the "new" board will have better "rules" on adopting.... good luck with this one and have her come check out the meet up on sunday!
I'm hoping to open 'them' up to exceptions that would otherwise not be considered at all!

Lordbroll wrote:
I would encourage a followup team if your rescue doesn't have one. It helps ease a lot of fears to be able to check in a few months down the road to make sure things are working out.
That's an excellent idea! Now, we need to find more volunteers to be on that team!

Rescue Help 41765413

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Male Join date : 2010-09-22
Location : Moore, OK

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 7:11 pm

cmanding wrote:
jbealer wrote:
im hoping the "new" board will have better "rules" on adopting.... good luck with this one and have her come check out the meet up on sunday!
I'm hoping to open 'them' up to exceptions that would otherwise not be considered at all!

[quote='Lordbroll"]I would encourage a followup team if your rescue doesn't have one. It helps ease a lot of fears to be able to check in a few months down the road to make sure things are working out.
That's an excellent idea! Now, we need to find more volunteers to be on that team!

Even your current fosters might want to do it. I know I like to followup on ours. It's usually a phone call and sometimes but rarely a home visit.
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Ms. Amicable

Female Join date : 2009-05-20
Location : Glenville, NY

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 7:14 pm

I just still can't stand rescues like that. I know that it all comes from a good place, but people get so wrapped up in the "best interests" of the dogs that they lose all sense of people skills. Not only do they forget how to speak with people, but they forget to get to know them. And that doesn't take a huge time investment. Read an application over quick, then call a person and talk... have a 5 min conversation. Any person worth his salt in people skills can get a good idea whether an applicant is worth bending the rules over.

Rescue and dog ownership are not black and white issues. They are gray. And rescues who treat guidelines as rules set in stone do more harm than good to the animals they are trying to "save."

Sorry... I'll get off my soapbox now... but I was rejected from FOUR rescues when I was looking for Hailey.... four. Because of stupid issues like a fence or distance....

ETA: Great idea, Brian Smile Can I come work for your rescue?

It's a husky thing... you wouldn't understand.

Rescue Help Hailey10
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Male Join date : 2010-09-22
Location : Moore, OK

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 7:48 pm

Koda wrote:
I just still can't stand rescues like that. I know that it all comes from a good place, but people get so wrapped up in the "best interests" of the dogs that they lose all sense of people skills. Not only do they forget how to speak with people, but they forget to get to know them. And that doesn't take a huge time investment. Read an application over quick, then call a person and talk... have a 5 min conversation. Any person worth his salt in people skills can get a good idea whether an applicant is worth bending the rules over.

Rescue and dog ownership are not black and white issues. They are gray. And rescues who treat guidelines as rules set in stone do more harm than good to the animals they are trying to "save."

Sorry... I'll get off my soapbox now... but I was rejected from FOUR rescues when I was looking for Hailey.... four. Because of stupid issues like a fence or distance....

ETA: Great idea, Brian Smile Can I come work for your rescue?

First want to say I fully agree with rescue being shades of grey. Second, I wished I had a 501c3 and a real rescue. Mainly my wife and I volunteer and facilitate rescues for other groups, foster when we can and educate people on husky ownership. One day I would love to become official.
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Husky Collector

Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 7:53 pm

Wow Claudia, I have to say i'm really shocked that the rescue pushes having 2 dogs instead of 1 if they're young... I honestly think that's irresponsible.

Tori, I 100% totally agree! We were denied by SO MANY rescues both before and after Mickey! The point is to save these dogs and place them in GOOD homes. Not turn people away left and right because they live in an apartment or don't have a yard. Hello?! Have we seen the economy lately?? Not everyone can afford to live in a nice big house, work minimal hours, have a 10ft fenced in yard and have 12983794 years of experience with Huskies... That's just silly now!

Anyway, I hope you can turn them around. That is my biggest gripe w/ rescues.

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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 7:55 pm

....which is why I am working to make exceptions, and not pass judgement before I've even had a chance to meet and talk to the person.

I'm hoping to make a few changes to the 'rules' and hopefully, it'll be seen more as guidelines instead!

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Comedic Relief

Male Join date : 2009-07-15

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PostSubject: Re: Rescue Help   Rescue Help EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 8:38 pm

Heck with the idea that a Husky needs a companion. I got Biko because I needed the extra companion, Adobo could have given a a rat's behind if she didn't have a mate. She would have been happy being the "only child."

I also was turned down last year just before I got Biko with no stated reason why.

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