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 Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1)

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Female Join date : 2013-02-08
Location : Bolingbrook, IL

Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Empty
PostSubject: Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1)   Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) EmptySun Aug 18, 2013 2:06 am

I finally got onto a computer instead of a nook color so figured its about time I got around to a scrapbook.  I have to apologies in advance for the quality of these they will mostly be from a crappy little camera phone.  So here's some pics of Bella Jasper and some of their buddies.

Jasper wasn't too happy but hey had to share a crate at first Bella refused to be separated from him at all

They shared a Dane Crate for a while until Bella decided she wanted her own and wouldnt let him in anymore
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo013

my nephew fredrick is always asking to take pictures with the dogs, shes not allowed on the couch but it was cute.
Bel is constantly trying to be lovey with fred but he scared her still because he is too rough their all learning slowly.
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo014

we had to move the slide because they were jumping all over fred but he kept running back and petting them
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo015

sleepy Bella
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo016

Jasper making sure he gets all the crumbs from his treat
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo018

They wanted what was going on the grill
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo019
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo020

On the way to training class with Bella
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo021

Last edited by Bella_Jasper on Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2013-02-08
Location : Bolingbrook, IL

Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1)   Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) EmptySun Aug 18, 2013 2:07 am

More to come later sorry there sideways they show up normally on the comp!
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Female Join date : 2013-01-17
Location : Massachusetts

Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1)   Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) EmptySun Aug 18, 2013 10:56 am

Beautiful dogs! Glad to finally see them Smile

For some reason when my pics are from my cell and I put them on my computer, I have to rotate them before I upload them here. Kind of weird!
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Female Join date : 2013-02-08
Location : Bolingbrook, IL

Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1)   Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) EmptyTue Oct 01, 2013 9:51 pm

This is one of my favorite pictures of them so far, we brought Bella Jasper and Honee to the damn area by our house since its the only place we can find for water fun with them without having to go to a dog park somewhere.  Honee has aggression issues with other dogs and cannot go and we do everything together with the dogs.
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo112

Bella wasn't to keen on leaving the river that day she was rocking to car left to right throwing a hissy fit on the way home.  Jasper just wanted to get away from the water.  Bella splashed him when he tried going in and he freaked out and ran away.
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo113
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo114
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo115

Any one else got a dog that sleeps with their tongue out a bit?
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo116

She also liked to sit in my nephews car seat before he switched to a booster

Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo117

Honee and Jasper, we're slowly building to getting the three of them to sit next to each other for a little group picture, usually one of the girls runs off and jasper follows
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo118

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Female Join date : 2013-02-08
Location : Bolingbrook, IL

Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1)   Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) EmptyTue Oct 01, 2013 10:03 pm

Kinda frightening face to wake up to, he looks manic!
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo119

My two favorite guys and the only ones I'll ever really want in my life!  Jasper and Fred playing while I cleaned out the truck, was very proud Jasper went and laid down willingly by fred he usually avoids him a little
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo120

Honee wouldnt leave Bella alone so she claimed the cube behind me as hers and yelled when Honee came near us, obviously shes a little to big for it
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo121

So we think my sister being pregnant and having the baby on the 12th set Bella off a bit and she seemed to have been going into a little false pregnancy, she was gaurding toys and her crate very badly and trying to nest in corners of mine and my moms rooms, she almost doubled her food intake for a few days when my sister went in to have the baby and Fred stayed with me.  But I was very proud of how well the two pups did when meeting Evelyn Maryanne a few days after she came home.  This is the only pic we could get because they run off right away but we have some new ones from the last day or two I'll post later.  I can't tell you how relieved we are that Bella is not snapping at Jasper over her and Jasper seems to like her.  Hopefully it will stay that way, we had a few issues with Jasper and my nephew and thought that a rehome might have to happen with him after Evelyn came.  
Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Photo122
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1)   Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) EmptyWed Oct 02, 2013 12:15 pm

They are so pretty! Great pix. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1)   Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1) Empty

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Bella and Jasper's scrapbook (Updated oct 1)

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