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 Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!

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Male Join date : 2012-11-20
Location : Ohio

Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyThu Jan 30, 2014 4:27 pm

He is growing so quick! Looks happy! GJ man! Keep up good work!
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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyThu Jan 30, 2014 4:39 pm

siku&nikolai wrote:
He is so cute, and he looks so happy! I love his puppy fur.

I'm sure the beagle likes it, I mean Yukon is a stud!  lol! 

Lol yeah she'll tolerate him for some time but after awhile she'll begin to snap back at him. It's kind of funny but it's also slightly annoying that the words "self control" aren't in a dog's dictionary. >-<

Ericobeasto wrote:
He is growing so quick! Looks happy! GJ man! Keep up good work!

Thanks! Yukon is growing really fast, he's already more than twice the size he was when I brought him home. D:
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Female Join date : 2013-09-24
Location : Billerica, Mass.

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyThu Jan 30, 2014 6:55 pm

Congrats to Yukon for starting to lose his baby teeth! Layla just lost her last canine snaggletooth yesterday but now she looks like an old woman because none of her adult canine teeth have come in enough so it looks like she doesn't have any, haha. Lots of frozen carrots and ice seemed to help her get through her teething time. She is also chewing a lot more on her antler.

I just went back and looked at photos of both Yukon's parents, and to me it seems like he's starting to look more like Kermit, especially as far as face shape goes. He's got Arrow's big, pointy ears, though, and definitely has Kermit's always-happy disposition. Love the winking photo. Wink
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyThu Jan 30, 2014 7:20 pm

I love his marking on his head. Don't worry too much about the humping. At his age it's probably just being over excited by the situation, or a game, or whatever. He's not old enough yet to have the hormones that drive the other kind of humping.
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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyThu Jan 30, 2014 11:23 pm

capellalayla wrote:
Congrats to Yukon for starting to lose his baby teeth! Layla just lost her last canine snaggletooth yesterday but now she looks like an old woman because none of her adult canine teeth have come in enough so it looks like she doesn't have any, haha. Lots of frozen carrots and ice seemed to help her get through her teething time. She is also chewing a lot more on her antler.

I just went back and looked at photos of both Yukon's parents, and to me it seems like he's starting to look more like Kermit, especially as far as face shape goes. He's got Arrow's big, pointy ears, though, and definitely has Kermit's always-happy disposition. Love the winking photo. Wink

Haha, I don't know why but the idea of "granny Layla" just cracks me up! Frozen things are very helpful though, ice is really helping me keep my sanity intact. xD

I definitely think that Yukon is picking up his looks from both his parents, which I don't mind at all of course. Razz

wpskier222 wrote:
I love his marking on his head. Don't worry too much about the humping. At his age it's probably just being over excited by the situation, or a game, or whatever. He's not old enough yet to have the hormones that drive the other kind of humping.

Yeah you're probably right, it's just mildly annoying/embarrassing. I also feel bad for that Beagle because most of the male dogs tend to pick on her. :/
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyFri Jan 31, 2014 10:13 am

Yeah, I totally understand. Dizzy went through a humping phase and it's totally embarrassing.
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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyThu Feb 06, 2014 12:51 pm

So Yukon turned 20 weeks old on Tuesday. I have pictures of course but there's something that I would like your guys opinion on, check out this video:

So basically I want to know if he's trying to play with his growl or trying to tell me to stop. He normally doesn't bite me anymore (Although it was more like mouthing, and I'm pretty sure that's normal playing behavior...?) and I don't hear him "talk" like that unless I pet him around his face, specifically to either side of his mouth. Also if he is telling me to stop then is there any way I can make him comfortable with me petting him there?

I'll upload the pictures soon. Razz
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Female Join date : 2013-09-24
Location : Billerica, Mass.

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyThu Feb 06, 2014 1:08 pm

Layla does that too, not necessarily when we touch her face but when she's frustrated. It's a frustrated whine/growl, like, "Come on, man!" I don't think he's mad, just a little frustrated, haha. He probably also thinks you're trying to play, so he mouths back. You could try conditioning him out of it by touching him there and every time he shows the behavior you want (not growling, mouthing, etc.), mark the behavior either with a "good boy!" or "yes!" or clicker and give him a treat. But at any rate it's not behavior I'd be concerned about, just a frustrated puppy trying to get his way, haha.

Did I mention he's incredible cute and getting so big?! Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-09-24
Location : Billerica, Mass.

Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyThu Feb 06, 2014 1:10 pm

The yawning and licking lips do tell me that he's a little uncomfortable, though, so maybe try the conditioning trick I mentioned and see if it helps calm him down a little. Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyThu Feb 06, 2014 1:16 pm

capellalayla wrote:
Layla does that too, not necessarily when we touch her face but when she's frustrated. It's a frustrated whine/growl, like, "Come on, man!" I don't think he's mad, just a little frustrated, haha. He probably also thinks you're trying to play, so he mouths back. You could try conditioning him out of it by touching him there and every time he shows the behavior you want (not growling, mouthing, etc.), mark the behavior either with a "good boy!" or "yes!" or clicker and give him a treat. But at any rate it's not behavior I'd be concerned about, just a frustrated puppy trying to get his way, haha.

Did I mention he's incredible cute and getting so big?! Smile

I agree, I think it's frustration/annoyance. Honestly though, like many puppy behaviors I think he will outgrow it if you stop provoking it. The conditioning idea is a great idea. I would approach by bringing your hand under his jaw/chin rather than coming in from the side. Most puppies are more comfortable with that.
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Join date : 2012-06-13
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyThu Feb 06, 2014 1:32 pm

Ditto on what Liz and Jen said. All I have to say is OMG, look at those ears!
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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyFri Feb 07, 2014 12:24 am

Okay thanks for the advice, I tried it out and he seems to be already improving (didn't growl/yawn at all and wasn't as mouthy) although he's beginning to lose the rest of his teeth so he might also be teething. I'm going to keep working on it with him until he's 100% fine being pet on his head though. Thanks again for the tips guys! Very Happy

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Female Join date : 2013-09-24
Location : Billerica, Mass.

Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyFri Feb 07, 2014 9:52 am

Glad to hear it seems to be working! Yeah, some of the mouthiness could also be teething. Some puppies just aren't used to being touched on their head or cheeks so they're a little uneasy about it, but stay consistent with the conditioning training and he should be OK with it soon enough. Smile

For teething you could give him frozen carrots, ice or even a frozen wet washcloth, though I think you mentioned you have been. Layla finally lost all her baby teeth and her canines are the last ones left to finish growing in. I thought that whole process would take longer but she had lost all her teeth in only a couple weeks!
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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyFri Feb 07, 2014 1:56 pm

Yup, I'm sure that teething only makes it more aggravating for him. So I'm optimistic that he will improve quite nicely in the future! Very Happy

I've been giving him lots of ice almost since the day he came home. I tried the washcloth idea but he almost ended up poking holes in it. However I have not tried frozen carrots and that sounds like a great idea! Do you use baby carrots or normal sized ones?
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Female Join date : 2013-09-24
Location : Billerica, Mass.

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyFri Feb 07, 2014 2:10 pm

You can either use baby carrots, or I've also taken a big carrot, peeled it and chopped it into baby-carrot-size chunks. Layla comes running now whenever I open the freezer because she wants her carrot, haha. It's a yummy treat and I think it also helps numb their mouths a little bit.

If you do this, don't be freaked out if you see little red-orange pieces in his poop after you start giving them to him. While carrots are good for dogs, apparently they don't digest all of it, haha. I first saw them and was like, "OMG, what did she eat?!" but then I remembered, "Ohhh, it's the carrot!"
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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyFri Feb 07, 2014 2:56 pm

Yeah Yukon runs up to me whenever I open the freezer too. It's the ultimate "come" command and I'll have to get it on tape sometime. Razz

I'll remember about the off-colored poop, thanks for telling me that. Our old dog used to eat crayons and would get rainbow poop, so if you didn't tell me that then I probably would've thought that he got into orange/red crayons. xD
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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyTue Feb 11, 2014 9:56 pm

20 weeks old:

Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 00219

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21 weeks old:

Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 00122

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Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 00617

So I took Yukon to Uconn yesterday after puppy classes (I was dropping some of my homemade cinnamon buns off at my sister's dorm) so I got a chance to walk him around in new environments and stuff. Funnily enough several students mistook him for the new Jonathan, who's a Black & White puppy around Yukon's age. They do sort of look very remotely like each other so that was pretty funny. Razz

I also was sick of Yukon having so much energy after our walks, so we bit the bullet and went for a 2 mile walk/jog. It took about 45 minutes (we jogged the first quarter and walked the other three quarters) he was actually slightly tired after that, so it was worth it in my mind! xD
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Female Join date : 2013-09-24
Location : Billerica, Mass.

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyWed Feb 12, 2014 10:46 am

Oh, my, the ears are just too much. They just keep getting bigger and pointier ... and cuter! Smile Has he finished blowing his puppy coat or is he still going at it?

We're up to a sweet spot of 3.5-to-4-mile walks if we want Layla to be out for the rest of the day, haha. Takes about an hour, hour and a half when walking at a brisk pace. We do a little jogging, too, but with the snow and ice it's been tough. There are some awesome biking paths about 10 miles away that we go to now. She's got more energy if we do less than that but she's not too annoying about it most times. I just feel guilty if we don't tire her out every day, and I worry that she gets bored at home, so I figure she can't be bored if she's well-exercised and sleepy, haha.

This reminds me I have to take more pics of Layla and update her 52 weeks thread! Maybe today on our walk ...
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Female Join date : 2013-10-20
Location : tallahassee florida

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyWed Feb 12, 2014 12:34 pm

love these pictures such an adorable pup.. his ears are just so big and cute still! lol Smile he'll grow into them eventually
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Female Join date : 2012-08-02
Location : Louisiana

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyWed Feb 12, 2014 1:22 pm

He is so leggy! Gosh he is adorable.

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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyWed Feb 12, 2014 2:43 pm

capellalayla wrote:
Oh, my, the ears are just too much. They just keep getting bigger and pointier ... and cuter! :)Has he finished blowing his puppy coat or is he still going at it?

We're up to a sweet spot of 3.5-to-4-mile walks if we want Layla to be out for the rest of the day, haha. Takes about an hour, hour and a half when walking at a brisk pace. We do a little jogging, too, but with the snow and ice it's been tough. There are some awesome biking paths about 10 miles away that we go to now. She's got more energy if we do less than that but she's not too annoying about it most times. I just feel guilty if we don't tire her out every day, and I worry that she gets bored at home, so I figure she can't be bored if she's well-exercised and sleepy, haha.

This reminds me I have to take more pics of Layla and update her 52 weeks thread! Maybe today on our walk ...

I think he's still blowing his coat. Although I'm not getting a ton of fur off him when I brush him anymore, he sheds on me/my bed a lot at night. Razz

I was under the impression that he was too young to do anything over a mile for his age, but if you guys are doing walks that long then I could probably up the amount of exercise he gets daily. I can't wait until he's old enough to walk on the trails as the shortest one around here is 5 miles. xD

hrangelotti wrote:
love these pictures such an adorable pup.. his ears are just so big and cute still! lol :)he'll grow into them eventually

Yup his ears are impossibly big! He's at that sad stage where he's too small to be adult sized, but too big to be puppy size. D:

simplify wrote:
He is so leggy! Gosh he is adorable.

Thanks, his legs have been growing pretty long lately. xD
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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyWed Mar 05, 2014 5:49 pm

Ugh it's been awhile, I guess I should stop being lazy and upload the photo's I took... :/

22 Weeks Old:

Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 00123

Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 00221

23 Weeks Old:

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(Technically this one is 23.5 weeks, but who's counting? Razz)
Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 00518

24 Weeks Old:

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Yukon loves his Puppy Class graduation toy!
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Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 01112

But yeah, Yukon graduated from Puppy Kindergarten on Monday and that was pretty fun. Although now he wont be able to play with other dogs consistently for awhile, which is a slight problem. I better hurry up and get my driver'svlicense... Neutral
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyWed Mar 05, 2014 8:45 pm

Aww Aidan he is gorgeous. He looks so proud of his toy and I love the snarl that his white eyebrows give him.

He is the classic Husky looking Husky. He's gonna be so handsome once he's done being a noodle and he fills out.
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Female Join date : 2013-09-24
Location : Billerica, Mass.

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyWed Mar 05, 2014 10:34 pm

He's getting so big! I love these pics, especially the one where he makes the cute face chilling on the couch. The ones with his graduation toy are darling, too. He really is turning into one handsome dog.
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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

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PostSubject: Re: Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired!   Yukon's Adventures! Achievement Unlocked, Neuter status acquired! - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 4:56 pm

Haha thanks guys! He is getting pretty big although I thought that he would be a bit bigger by now. Anyways I got a couple other pictures today:

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