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 Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones?

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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? Empty
PostSubject: Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones?   Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? EmptySun Jun 08, 2014 12:48 am

My new grand-puppy and Ami's new pal:
So...don't think he's full husky but gotta love those ears I love you 
Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? Img_0010

I'm guessing a little bit of lab in there...son thinks maybe some rottweiler?
Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? Img_0011

Son, Josh, is totally smitten - said when the courier took him out of the crate and handed him the pup, Master Pup peed on him first thing Laughing Pup is very alert, interested, confident and friendly!  And freshly neutered - 15 weeks - is that a little young?
Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? Img_0012

But he's still a pup, learning the is the other baby boy in my life Razz 
Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? Img_0013

And, on our walk - Yanni/Rodeo/Hobo whoever carried his tail in the most beautiful sickle shape Very Happy
Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? Img_0014

He even seems to have attached to Josh already!
Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? Img_0015

The meet and greet with Ami went beautifully, though we couldn't let them romp together with Master Pup's fresh neuter.  How long to wait before little dog can freely romp with big dog?  At one point today, both dogs were chewing on different ends of the same stick and little dog drank out of Ami's water bowl under Ami's feet with no animus at all.  Hurray!

Last edited by amymeme on Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones?   Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? EmptySun Jun 08, 2014 7:46 am

Aw! He's so cute and it's great he and Ami are doing so well together! I love those ears! Yeah looks like there's something else in there but it's he'd to tell what at a young age. I'm sure you'll see more as he gets older. I waited about 1-2 weeks before Diz could play with other dogs, but he had a cryptorchid neuter so he had 2 incisions. The will probably be able to be rough and tumble fairly quickly. Smile
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Join date : 2013-04-17
Location : South East Wisconsin!

Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones?   Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? EmptySun Jun 08, 2014 10:57 am

Hmm, looks like trouble! I can see this one and Mr. dog creating all kinds of mischief. Should make for some stories to share Very Happy 
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Female Join date : 2012-08-02
Location : Louisiana

Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones?   Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? EmptySun Jun 08, 2014 12:33 pm

Oh he is adorable! I do see something else in there, just can't pinpoint it.

15 weeks does seem a bit young. D: The youngest a lot of people will neuter is 5/6 months.

He looks like he's going to be a big boy though!

Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? Signat11
Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? O8Cmm5
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones?   Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones? EmptySun Jun 08, 2014 1:21 pm

simplify wrote:
He looks like he's going to be a big boy though!

I think so - this is one seriously dense pup - I went to pick him up (didn't want puppy walking through front of house and piddling Wink ) and wow - like a sack of concrete!
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Introducing Yanni..uhh Rodeo, wait I mean Hobo...or...maybe, Bones?

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