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 Adopted A Girl - Need Advice

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Join date : 2017-11-28

Adopted A Girl - Need Advice Empty
PostSubject: Adopted A Girl - Need Advice   Adopted A Girl - Need Advice EmptyTue Nov 28, 2017 10:43 pm

Hello all!

I've turned to you to ask for advice in hopes that you've been through the same experience and can offer some peace of mind.

I adopted a female, they estimate to be about a year and a half old. She's sweet, she does well with others, she was spayed on the 21st (if I remember correctly). I've had her since Saturday. I live in a spacious apartment, enough for her to gallop around (of course I know it's not ideal).

She has a few things about her that I'm not quite sure how to handle or address.

- She's not a fan of toys. The shelter said her previous owners had her as an outdoor dog. I show her a kong with peanut butter, she just licks the peanut butter and doesn't chew. I have a stick made of rubber with a bottle in it - she's not interested in that. I have a tuffy rabbit, she ignores that. I have a toy that kind of rolls, with a ball in it - she doesn't chase it. I have a tug toy, she doesn't even attempt to take it. I have a femur bone that has some marrow in it, no go. I haven't let her "choose her own toy" at the pet stores yet.

She enjoys the walks we go on, we go on 1 or 2 long ones a day, with a few others added in there. Otherwise, we are at home or in the car. I would like to play with her to entertain her so she's not bored but I have no idea how to do so. She also hasn't taken to any treats that have been put in front of her. That is probably because she's a picky eater (that's the next topic).

I'm just going crazy with anxiety because I don't want her to be bored, but I can't exactly walk her 24 hours a day, you know? I don't want to be a bad owner and have her suffer Sad  Is she just used to being an outdoor dog that...she should stay one? I would consider a second dog, if it were that easy. I read that not all dogs like toys, and are content with just cuddles, but I feel that's not the whole thing.

- The second is that she's not a fan of eating her food. I've mixed scrambled eggs, cat food, and wet dog food with her dry food to help her gain weight, but I can't imagine it being that healthy or cheap to do it daily. I'm guessing she should pick her own food as well?

- The last is that she doesn't seem to be a chewer. She got out of her kennel one night and got in to the bathroom garbage (because she's a HUGE fan of tissue/toilet paper) and also ate a cookie (yes I know, I just wasn't expecting her to get out). Other than that, she left a full bag of garbage alone, and didn't chew any clothes or pillows or cords. I would like to let her stay out of her kennel when there isn't anyone home (in an area that is sans cords still) so she doesn't feel cooped up, but is that a good idea?

All in all, HELP! I'm overwhelmed with first time husky anxiety. She's been a good girl, she's done nothing wrong. It is ME I want to address, and how I can help her be entertained and not hold her back. I have thick skin, so if you believe I should take her back and let her be adopted by someone who has the room, or have her as an outdoor dog, please tell me. I just want what's best for her.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Adopted A Girl - Need Advice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adopted A Girl - Need Advice   Adopted A Girl - Need Advice EmptyTue Nov 28, 2017 11:27 pm

Let me address your last concern first - should you take her back? Hell NO!! So many new Husky owners get their dog because she looks just like <pick you dog> in the movies. Just about the worst of all reasons. You come across as someone who cares about your pup and that speaks volumes!!

Now for the rest ... dogs don't like change and, let's see, she's been in a shelter, been spayed and moved on to you. That's a lot of change right there and it's going to take time for her to adjust to you (and vice versa) relax a bit 'cause your anxiety will affect her.

I have three Huskies and the best toy they have is each other - now don't run out and get one just because you might think it'd give her a play companion 'cause then you'd have two pups who aren't too happy about all the changes. Anyway, it sounds like you've got a good dog there, you don't need to introduce one who might not be as well behaved.

Huskies will, from time to time, just stop eating - it's the nature of the breed I think. They often tend to not eat as much when they're anxious and I think you can tie that into "the move." Relax and give her the normal food and lay off the extras. Eventually she'll get hungry and eat - mean, well, maybe a little, I think it's called tough love.

At 1.5 years she's 'most full grown and hopefully most of the nibbling stage is over. Some dogs chew just to chew - it relaxes them. That she didn't get into the garbage, etc is a really good thing - some dogs can take a small bag of trash and make it look like the garbage man dumped his truck in the kitchen. As far a s leaving her out of her kennel at night - that's a choice to be made depending on how she behaves. If she's loose and you find a wet spot (or worse) on the floor in the morning then you probably don't want her loose. If you don't and she patiently waits for you to get your morning coffee (get woke up in other words) before she wants to go out then you might consider letting her have the freedom of the house. NB: *I* personally would not for, at least, the first month - after she gets comfortable you may find that your nicely behaved little girl is a brat!

Adopted A Girl - Need Advice S-event    Adopted A Girl - Need Advice S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Adopted A Girl - Need Advice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adopted A Girl - Need Advice   Adopted A Girl - Need Advice EmptyWed Nov 29, 2017 3:22 am

My boy has no interest in toys. Loves his walks. Adores running around with his "nephew" (my son's dog). Likes to lie in the driveway and watch the world go by. Catches birds out of the air. A belly rub sends him to heaven. Yeah, if we could, he'd go for walks 24/7 but...we're old and can't do that. Even if we could, there' Not gonna happen.

Try some training with her - maybe a few tricks? Get her a slo-feed bowl, maybe? I got one to train my foster on the out command and never got there - Ami took a liking to it and now owns it.

If she was spayed on the 21, that's just over a week ago. And she's new to you. Wait a bit, she'll perk up.
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Female Join date : 2015-07-07
Location : Illinois

Adopted A Girl - Need Advice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adopted A Girl - Need Advice   Adopted A Girl - Need Advice EmptyWed Nov 29, 2017 11:01 am

Our female has never had any interest in toys but our males loves all of his toys. I wouldn't be worried about it. Also, both of our babies are super picky eaters...we switched around until we found something that they like and we mix a heaping spoonful of quality wet food into their kibble every evening. It's kind of expensive but they are worth it.

It took our girl about three weeks to fully recover from her spay so your girl is still probably very sore and overwhelmed from that procedure.

Give her some time and be patient...poor girl has been through a lot. I bet she is going to turn out to be a wonderful dog!!
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Misty Mia Husky
Misty Mia Husky

Female Join date : 2017-09-19
Location : Indiana

Adopted A Girl - Need Advice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adopted A Girl - Need Advice   Adopted A Girl - Need Advice EmptyWed Nov 29, 2017 11:32 am

Yeah, it does sound like she's just getting used to you, to her surroundings, and to your household routines. Some dogs take longer than others to become acclimated. Once she feels more comfortable and secure, she'll probably take more interest in food, etc.

Some dogs love treats and toys and some don't. Misty absolutely loves ALL toys of ALL types, but I've also had dogs that couldn't care less about them. Have you tried giving her a stuffed animal for dogs? I had one dog, Kiki, that didn't care for toys in general, but she loved stuffies. She never destroyed them or chewed on them or anything -- She just liked to carry them around. Kiki didn't really show an interest in them, though, until we'd had her for a couple of months.

I had another dog, Miles, that absolutely refused to accept treats until we'd had him for about two months. Even after that, he always refused to accept treats from people he didn't know -- and this dog LOVED to eat. Miles also wasn't interested in toys at all, but we had another dog to keep him company.

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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Adopted A Girl - Need Advice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adopted A Girl - Need Advice   Adopted A Girl - Need Advice EmptyWed Nov 29, 2017 12:05 pm

In general it takes at least a month for you to start seeing her true personality. So I wouldn't stop crating just yet. As she gets more comfortable she may start chewing and nosing around more. My female also isn't interested in toys but she will chew on bully sticks and antlers sometimes. While I now have 3 dogs in the house my female would have also been just fine and happy as an only dog. While she likes playing with the other two she would have also been perfectly content on her own not competing for cuddles or space or time to herself where she can just lay without being pestered, so I would get to know her a lot more before I would consider getting another one. Some dogs love an extra and do better with it, but others don't and it will take time to figure out which she is. My girl bonded to me very deeply and I can see her frustration when one of my males tries to hog me so it becomes a balancing act.

As long as she has a clean bill of health I would set the food down for 10 minutes, then take it up and offer again later for 10 minutes. If you think you may want another dog someday start her timed feedings now rather than free feeding. A dog coming off the streets potentially has been eating road kill and trash often so kibble might not be appetizing at first but she will come around.

As for being outside, that too she will come around too. Both my males were outside dogs at first. They had to be potty trained at 3 and 4 years of age. One took to being an inside dog super fast. The other felt cooped up at first, and then suddenly he discovered how nice it was not to get rained on, to get petted, to get treats, to sleep on something soft and then we went the complete opposite direction where I literally had to drag him out of the house to go pee and then break him of doing it on the porch just like potty training him to not go in the house. Different backgrounds make for different dogs. Not knowing what a rescue has been through it's hard to say how they will take to anything but they do come around with time and understanding. Don't push anything. Just work on getting to know each other. The rest will come.

Adopted A Girl - Need Advice Huskyf10
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Male Join date : 2016-09-01
Location : Pierre, SD

Adopted A Girl - Need Advice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adopted A Girl - Need Advice   Adopted A Girl - Need Advice EmptyWed Nov 29, 2017 1:52 pm

I have 2 dogs right now, but between my wife and myself, we've had several over the years. Not all dogs like toys. Not all dogs are super active. My Aussie shepherd will not play with toys. I've never been able to get him to play fetch, or tug, or anything. He's always been perfectly content to just lounge, cuddle, and get pet. My husky (who is an outside dog) loves toys. He plays fetch, tug, loves chewing on things, loves kongs, etc.
If we give them both a kong, or a treat that takes effort. The Husky will end up with both as the Aussie just doesn't care.
The ONLY time the Aussie has ever even touched a toy is to distract the Husky. If the Husky gets too physical, the Aussie grabs one of his toys and runs with it a bit, then throws it by flinging it from his mouth. The Husky will chase him, then the toy, and ultimately leave the Aussie alone.

Every dog has his/her own personality. I've seen completely mellow huskies that don't react to other dogs and could lounge all day without an bit of exercise. Your dog just may not need that level of stimulation, and that's not a bad thing. If she has options and isn't using them, it's ok. If she has options and is instead chewing/destroying other things, then it's a problem.
Think of it like this. If you had a child that likes to read books quietly in their room, would you freak out and force them to instead play video games and snap chat with their friends?

As for eating, Huskies tend to be efficient dogs and tend to need less food than other breeds. On top of that, you may have a pretty mellow dog which might mean even less energy used. So her lack of eating may just be that you are overfeeding her. Find a good, high quality (no grain) food she likes. Changes to a dog's routine can also affect appetite, and a lot has changed for this dog, so give it time.

As for free roaming in a house. I'd go easy with it, and start slow. Don't leave her out for 9 hours while you are at work because that is a lot of time to do a lot of destruction. Try leaving her out while you go shopping for groceries, or other small amounts of time. If there are no problems, then extend the time she's out. If you set and enforce boundaries, then you may be fine if you really have a more mellow dog.

Don't take her back. You obviously care for her, which means it's a good home. Keep the regular exercise up. Give her lots of positive attention. Enjoy the new relationship. And drop the anxiety. It's not needed. If things are going ok, and she seems happy, then just enjoy your time together.
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Join date : 2017-11-28

Adopted A Girl - Need Advice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adopted A Girl - Need Advice   Adopted A Girl - Need Advice EmptyWed Nov 29, 2017 10:05 pm

I appreciate all the responses so far. I would do individual ones but I’m on mobile at the moment. I guess I’m feeling a little guilty about our activity level but I will keep at it. I’ll get a stake and have us play in an empty lot nearby.

I do care about her and I really do appreciate all the kind words and advice! I’m hoping I’ll live up to her wants and needs! I know I sound like the every other first time owner. But I suppose that’s what happens when you care a lot. Thank you!

I will start with the month of crating and then move on to see if she will do okay with a gate in the kitchen or in the living room for extended periods of time.

We went to the vet today and he said she’s all good. A little skinny at about 38 pounds, and to continue to mix in some wet food until she gains some weight. She is small for a husky - he said she’d be ideal at 40-44. But I won’t do it too often, to make sure she isn’t overeating.
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