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 Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!

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Join date : 2018-09-13

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyMon Dec 03, 2018 11:15 pm

Hey, what's up guys!
Thought I'd share something crazy that happened earlier today that could have had a totally different ending.

I was walking my 19 week puppy at around 7:00 pm when a skinny women who looked to be weighing no more than 100 lbs was walking two large pitbulls towards my direction. As she was walking towards us both her pitbulls saw my puppy and immediately began barking and violently lunging at us. This is when the women couldn't hold on to both dogs and stumbled and fell on the ground. This is when she was dragged a a few feet by both dogs till she got control, then again fell another time till she got control again.
I quickly picked my puppy up and tried to cross the road, but if there was any upcoming traffic I knew things would have gotten ugly.

I know some of you might say that both the pitbulls were just excited and wanted to play if they got loose and came at me, but I wasn't gonna take that risk with all these stories on the news with crazy ass pitbulls that got loose.

I was very angry not at the dogs but at the dumbass owner! Why the hell do people get mutiple dogs if they cant fucking handle them!?! In my opinion this could have ended alot worse we were closer or if she couldn't have gotten up from the fall.

.......Just thought I'd share this nerve wrecking experience with you guys and was curious to see if anyone had any similar crazy encounters on your walks?
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Male Join date : 2010-12-22
Location : Portland, OR

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyTue Dec 04, 2018 1:38 am

You did the right thing, picking up your dog.
And you did the right thing, listening to your gut about the danger coming your way.

Take what I say with grain of salt because I am prejudiced.
I don't think pit bulls are the warm, loving, misunderstood dogs that their advocates always say they are.

My next door neighbor had two pit bulls that seemed friendly enough.
I even petted them.
One day the garage door was open, and the pit bulls attacked another neighbor's leashed old collie that was walking by.
My neighbor and his adult son could not get the dogs off the collie once they had clamped down.
We called animal control.
The methods they told us to use (dumping cold water on them, broomstick up the dog's butts) did not work.
The pit bulls did not let go until the collie passed out.
The collie had to be euthanized.
Years have gone by, but I can't get that picture out of my mind.

I have friends who own pit bulls.
They tell me how wonderful the dogs are and they even let them play with their grandchildren.
I can't even...
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Join date : 2018-04-07
Location : San Diego

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyTue Dec 04, 2018 11:49 am

At the end of the day, you've got to do what you believe is the right thing which I believe you did in this case.

For what it's worth, I carry citronella spray for stray/ out of control dogs. Hope I don't have to test it, but chose it because it's not supposed to less potent than regular pepper spray.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyTue Dec 04, 2018 12:30 pm

@dinf22 I've met some really gentle Pit Bulls and I've seen some that 100" is way too close for comfort. And, it's not really just the Pit Bulls, I've seen some small dogs that I wouldn't want anywhere near me or my dogs - partly because mine, if aggravated enough, might hurt the little bugger but because even they as small as they are can seriously damage a bigger dog.

As others have said, you did what you needed to do to protect yourself and your pup from a potentially deadly situation.

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! S-event    Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyTue Dec 04, 2018 4:28 pm

Ya know, son often tells me I should get a pistol given some of the animal stuff I encounter in the wild. I can't help but think this might have been one of those situations. I'm so sorry you have to live with that memory.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyTue Dec 04, 2018 4:46 pm

Better safe than sorry when coming up on any dog that isn't in the control of its owner. If you do have run-ins often with critters of any kind a gun or taser might be useful to have on hand.

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyWed Dec 05, 2018 10:58 pm

I wont blame pitbulls because i have had so many run ins with loose "friendly" dogs on the trail. My hiking partner squirt is extremely well behaved on a leash around other animals but off leash or they invade her space she is very very other animal agressive. I havent actually figured out how to take her hiking lately because i dont want her in fights. Why dont people realize that just because thier dog is friendly (or theu think it is) that everyone elses dog is. And also why cant the forest service say anything other then to leave squirt home. The whole problem started when squirt was attacked on a trail in a national monument by a pit whos owner yelled shes friendly and then went back to fishing. Both dogs needed to go to the vet after the ordeal and my dog has never been the same and over 5 years escalated to where squirt cant be in the same area as my other 3 dogs. As scary as ot is for owners sometimes the dog never gets past it which sucks
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Join date : 2018-09-13

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyThu Dec 06, 2018 1:17 am

Thanks for the replies guys! Glad to know I did the right thing in heat of the moment.

I guess ignorant individuals who get these breeds do so to look "tough" but don't put in the effort to train these dogs and it ends up becoming erratic and unpredictable from the pent up energy from the lack of excercise and stimulation, and so I goes crazy the moment something or someone riles it up.
But I also think it might be the breed itself aswell, I mean these dogs were bred to hunt, and so their instinct may kick in anytime. And its no coincidence that pitbulls have a high number of random attacks. These specific breeds should only be owned by experienced owners.

What do you guys think? When an accident happens with a breed like this, who is to blame the breed or the owner?

Haha, found this meme that I thought was hilarious. lol!
Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! L-13105-heroic-pitbull-swims-5-miles-out-bite-a-child
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyThu Dec 06, 2018 10:57 am

I personally blame the owner. Owners should know their dogs. My female will tear any dog a new one if we meet them out and about, just because she doesn't have the jaw power of a pitt doesn't make it anymore acceptable. Because of this I make sure to be reasonable about where to take her. I'm obviously not going to take her places that other dogs running loose is a guarantee like a dog park or dog event. I also avoid places that will be tightly packed like some events where it can be hard to keep track of even on-leash dogs. I also know that my dogs can't outpull me so if we see a dog they aren't going to do what those two dogs did to that woman and just drag her wherever they want despite her efforts. We set animals up to fail the instant we don't train them and teach them acceptable behaviors and reactions. Then we further set them up to fail by placing them in situations they don't have the training or temperament to ever be successful in.

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Huskyf10
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Join date : 2018-04-07
Location : San Diego

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyThu Dec 06, 2018 11:36 am

^all of that.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyThu Dec 06, 2018 1:29 pm

I'm with @Twisterii it's our responsibility to know our dogs and to train the to act/react appropriately.

I also agree with you @dinf22 in that it seems as if the breed has been adopted as the "See how tuff *I* am!" crowd - which is really stupid since the breed was adopted as the Nanny Dog both here in the States and in the UK.  Regrettably their tenacity and desire to please their owners has been used against them in the 'pits.'  

Personally I don't think that any breed is going to be any more aggressive to any great degree than any other - it all depends on how the individual dog is trained.  German Shepherds, who have more biting power that a bull, were at one time classed as dangerous specifically because they were trained and used as guard dogs.  Ditto Rottys.

Our own loved breed seems to be picking up the 'dangerous' reputation because of its inherent prey drive - well, they were originally bred to feed and care for themselves when not 'on the move' but they were often the bed warmer for folks (and children) on those long cold arctic nights.

Last comment - I like the picture of the swimming dog, I like it when we can get any of our dogs out and let them relax and play.  I do not like the caption that goes with it - it's not funny in the least!  It continues the wrong breed specific thought that we all need to fight - unless we want our breed to someday become the target.

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! S-event    Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyThu Dec 06, 2018 2:26 pm

Its definitely the owner not the dog with a few exeptions my gsd being one of them but if you know your dog well thats the key and also knowing when or what is too much. And really its not breed specific my wolf/husky has a bite strength that is unbelievable but really i like pits what scares me are the little ankle biters that have no training walk all over thier owners and have the napoleon complex. Also where i am in Colorado it seems to be more heelers causing issues then pitbulls all dogs regardless of size or breed need responsible owners thats really the heart of the issue
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Male Join date : 2017-11-03
Location : North Carolina, USA

Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk!   Scary encounter with two pitbulls on walk! EmptyWed Dec 12, 2018 7:47 pm

Oh yea...we have been attacked. Our neighbor's dog who is aggressive, learned the nifty trick of BITING his owner on the hand so that his owner would drop the leash. With leash trailing behind him, he would run full-speed at my dog and leap on him. I actually filed a report with Animal Control after five attacks...(neighbor was not happy about that, because it turns out that his dogs are not neutered, not licensed, not registered...)

I agree on not stereotyping by breed though! My dog met a pitbull girl who was very friendly and licked him on the cheek. Very sweet dog! On the other hand, my friend's golden retriever suddenly snarled and grabbed him by the throat. I realized that the breed stereotypes are not helpful...better to try to get good at reading the dog's body language!
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