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 My rescued boy

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Join date : 2019-02-04

My rescued boy Empty
PostSubject: My rescued boy   My rescued boy EmptyMon Feb 04, 2019 2:45 pm

I'm new to the forum--I rescued a male Husky in November. The vet estimated his age at 10 years, and he had spent a long time (6 months) at the shelter. They didn't know much about his history.

His name is Kody, and he's a sweet thing. We're getting along fine, but he has one behavior that I can't seems to stop. He is peeing--pretty much nightly--in one specific area in my home. Since it happens overnight, I never catch him at it. I have used enzyme cleaners, and cleaned the area over and over and over. But he keeps going back to it. It is right at the corner of a door frame, so it's not very convenient to block it off. In any case, I don't want him to pick a new area.

I hate to restrict his water in the evening. He has already learned not to drink much during the day (I work full time). I have tried to let him out later in the evening, and still allow myself 8 hours sleep. Should I expect a senior dog to go without peeing for 8 hours?

I would appreciate any input!
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

My rescued boy Empty
PostSubject: Re: My rescued boy   My rescued boy EmptyMon Feb 04, 2019 2:51 pm

My almost 10 year old guy is a camel. He drinks ample but goes a long long long time between peeing.

Have you thought about crating him overnight? Or, locking him in your bedroom with you?
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Join date : 2019-02-04

My rescued boy Empty
PostSubject: Re: My rescued boy   My rescued boy EmptyMon Feb 04, 2019 2:58 pm

He can't tolerate a crate. He has torn his muzzle up trying to get out. I haven't tried restricting him to my bedroom--mainly because I don't want him peeing in there! But I'm willing to give it a go! thanks!
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

My rescued boy Empty
PostSubject: Re: My rescued boy   My rescued boy EmptyMon Feb 04, 2019 5:13 pm

You might even want to try tethering him to something sturdy in your bedroom while you sleep. Also - there's a chance that crated in your bedroom with you, he may not rebel at the crate.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

My rescued boy Empty
PostSubject: Re: My rescued boy   My rescued boy EmptyTue Feb 05, 2019 11:04 am

I would start by confining him in the room with you. At least if he gets restless like he needs to go then you should hear him and will be able to get up and let him out. I had a small issue with this when I first got my male. He needed to go in the middle of the night but didn't know yet how to get my attention while I was sleeping so every once in a while I would wake up to a puddle in front of the back door where he had just gone to the back door to be let out but no one had heard him. He was also a dog that had been tied up a certain amount I believe before I got him and the whole concept of going pee when given the chance and not just when you need to go took a bit for him to wrap his head around because I was letting him out but he wasn't going when he was going out and then he would find himself in a bind later at night. Had to play a little psychology with him. The first few months especially is a lot of figuring out a routine and setting it and working through their oddities. Some oddities take longer to find a solution to than others. I have no issue with my male now but we had episodes for about a year because every change in weather changed how he chose to deal with his bladder.

My rescued boy Huskyf10
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

My rescued boy Empty
PostSubject: Re: My rescued boy   My rescued boy EmptyWed Feb 06, 2019 12:57 am

You don't mention what his day is like as far as where he is while you are at work, is he inside the house and if so, you aren't coming home to accidents? If that's the case, he seems to be able to hold it so it's not an age thing or medically related. What about his nights, does he have the run of the house or is he confined to an area? Is he able to come try and wake you up when he has to go? November is still fairly recent and with 9+ years living somewhere else, and 6 months at a shelter, he may just need to get a new routine set and that will take some time. For example. All my past Huskies had a routine of going on their morning walk at 5:00 in the morning, which means our routine had them setting their body clocks to do their morning business around this time, so I imagine if something had ever happened to me, whoever got them after me, would be woken up by two Huskies at 5 in the morning to pee, atleast until a new routine was set by their new owners. Being at the shelter didn't help your pup/situation because he was still able to just get up and relieve himself at his "normal" time, and without having to wake anyone up. You don't want to do nothing though because his new routine is being set up to go by the door, so if it's a case that he isn't able to come to you to wake you up, you need to change that.
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