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 Is this normal?

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Join date : 2019-03-07

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PostSubject: Is this normal?   Is this normal? EmptyThu Mar 07, 2019 9:31 pm

Is this normal? 20190310
Is this normal? 20190311
Is this normal? 20190312.

Is this normal? 20190317

Is this normal? 20190318

I got a new husky puppy she was 10 weeks old Monday, I got her from a breeder. She is a wooly coat, her papers say she is black and white, in some pictures she looks a lot whiter but her fur is black and in the black she has some coppery highlights in the sun but down to the roots is bright white but her white fur on her front and back legs and butt and tail looks really really yellow.. is this normal? Do you think it will get lighter as she gets her full coat in? I don't think it's stained because I gave her a bath and it didn't come out. Her dad is all white and her mom is kinda black and brownish and redish and whitish. Her face is a brighter white color. The bottom two pics is her original pic and her parents.

Last edited by little_blonde_chick7 on Fri Mar 08, 2019 1:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2018-04-07
Location : San Diego

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PostSubject: Re: Is this normal?   Is this normal? EmptyFri Mar 08, 2019 12:15 am

Color is really tough to gauge. Ours turned SO different when they were 6 mo old or so. Then seemed to move back toward the color they were when they were puppies as they got older.

Our dogs do have coppery highlights in the right light.
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Join date : 2019-03-07

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PostSubject: Re: Is this normal?   Is this normal? EmptyFri Mar 08, 2019 12:44 am

I am hoping her yellow legs and butt and tail and belly turns more white when she gets her coat. I love her regardless I just think the yellow with black looks awful like she's dirty or been laying in pee or something but I know she hasn't. Idk what she looked like when she was first born. The pics and video I got of her before I got her she looked all snowy white but I know when you take pics in certain lights it looks that way just in real life you see yellow.

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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: Is this normal?   Is this normal? EmptyFri Mar 08, 2019 10:32 am

It looks a lot like staining. I would imagine once she sheds the puppy fur it will go away. Staining from being kept in a tight space as a pup can stick around for a long time even with a lot of washes. Poor nutrition as a puppy can cause discoloration in coats as well. If it's white underneath then likely it will go away when she sheds in a few months.

Is this normal? Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2013-02-21
Location : Ohio

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PostSubject: Re: Is this normal?   Is this normal? EmptyFri Mar 08, 2019 10:33 am

White as a color is a funky thing. Inside light versus outside or even season makes a difference. I do not think you are always gonna know what color of white you will have.
My Bourbon is a black and white. Most of his black is "jet black" but he does have stray white. Most of his white is white however you can see how it is changed by light and season in these photos. First is now with more "yellow" second is a month ago and third is  summer with less. White Bright shampoo "changes" him slightly too!
Is this normal? 20190213
Is this normal? 20190212
Is this normal? Screen11

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Female Join date : 2013-02-21
Location : Ohio

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PostSubject: Re: Is this normal?   Is this normal? EmptyFri Mar 08, 2019 10:36 am

Agree that there is a lot of probable staining there too!

Is this normal? 20170810
Is this normal? LcFfm5Is this normal? KIX4m5
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Join date : 2019-03-07

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PostSubject: Re: Is this normal?   Is this normal? EmptyFri Mar 08, 2019 1:43 pm

I washed her with a whitening shampoo and it helped a little but not too much. I'm hoping after she sheds and gets new fur it will lighten. Thank you guys for all your opinions I really appreciate it.

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