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 Allergies to Koda

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Female Join date : 2019-02-27
Location : Florida

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PostSubject: Allergies to Koda   Allergies to Koda EmptyMon Mar 18, 2019 7:43 pm

Hi everyone, I have recently posted about Koda and how I got him at the beginning of February. I honestly don't think I can handle him and i'm so torn if I should keep him or not. I really love him and he's adorable, but I'm only 16 and I've never owned a big dog before and I feel like it's too much work. I researched for months before getting a husky and I understand it's hard work to take care of him  but my terrible allergies don't make things easier. I live in Florida and my worst allergies are outside. It's difficult for me to bring him outside anymore because I'm badly allergic to grass, trees, and pollen and every time I bring him outside I get hives all over my arms and face and can't stop sneezing. It makes it worse when I bring him in my house because of his fur the pollen is brought in and he jumps all over me making it worse. I feel like this is a serious problem since huskies need to be brought on many daily walks and need to run around. I would let him run freely in my yard but he screams and scratches the patio screening if I leave him alone outside and I don't want him ruining it.

Along with this allergy, I'm also allergic to him.. he's been scratching me up and biting me and making me bleed every day and I can't seem to be responsible enough to control him I guess. He just doesn't listen and is too hyper. I wouldn't mind him teething on me but he doesn't understand how sharp his little teeth are and I also get an allergy whenever i'm scratched/bitten/licked by him. When I got this dog I promised my parents I'd be the one to take care of him and I feel bad that I can't. I can't even let him sleep in bed with me anymore because it has become hard to breathe at night and I had to use a nebulizer before bed every night to clear up my chest.

I'm not sure what I should do, does this get better? Are there any solutions? I really love him Sad

*update - I am trying to work with my allergies. I'm not getting rid of Koda Smile

Last edited by kodathehusky on Wed Mar 20, 2019 3:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: Allergies to Koda   Allergies to Koda EmptyMon Mar 18, 2019 10:06 pm

Its not that the allergies go away but there are things that can help up till a few years ago i had cats and im allergic to cats
Some things benadryl claritin help with the symptoms and dont let whatever ypur allergic too in your bed you may want to consider allergy shots or moving to a state with less pollen and grass then fl when you get older but it also seems like your overwhelmed. Over time you will be less sensitive to things or not notice the symptoms as much
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Female Join date : 2019-02-27
Location : Florida

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PostSubject: Re: Allergies to Koda   Allergies to Koda EmptyMon Mar 18, 2019 10:51 pm

I hope it gets better but for some reason it's been getting worse. Maybe when the pollen isn't as high.
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Allergies to Koda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Allergies to Koda   Allergies to Koda EmptyMon Mar 18, 2019 11:12 pm

What about wearing a mask outside for pollen. I wear one in public during flu season around sick people and when pollution from wildfires gets bad Also get a good hepa filter for your room. I grew up in fl and i have terrible allergies so i feel your pain
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Join date : 2018-04-07
Location : San Diego

Allergies to Koda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Allergies to Koda   Allergies to Koda EmptyMon Mar 18, 2019 11:18 pm

It's a hard decision to make, but I would find him a new home. You could probably find a way to minimize some of your symptoms, but it sounds like your allergies are pretty bad so controlling them to a point they are livable might be difficult. You could probably find a way to entertain Koda without having to go outside or wear a mask if you do, but it's not fair to either of you.

What do your parents say about this?
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Male Join date : 2017-11-03
Location : North Carolina, USA

Allergies to Koda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Allergies to Koda   Allergies to Koda EmptyMon Mar 18, 2019 11:33 pm

I feel for you!
My daughter has asthma and husband has pollen’s a difficult way to live!! Crying or Very sad  Crying or Very sad

Because of my husbands pollen allergies, the dog does not sleep in our bedroom. His dogbed is in the living room. There is no reason your dog needs to be IN your bed with you!! You are getting the pollen all over your bedsheets and blanket...and sleeping, laying in it...bad idea. If possible, close your bedroom door, run an air filter in your bedroom, and keep him out of your bedroom altogether...

Biting and mouthing on you, that can be trained. I don’t have personal experience but I know many forum members have survived the bitey can be done!

The unsolvable part to me, is that huskies are an outdoorsy active breed.. They are not meant to be indoor house dogs, and can be miserable and destructive without daily outdoor exercise. I don’t see a way to get around spending time outdoors with your dog every day...

Perhaps an allergist could help you figure out how to treat/deal with your allergies but i am sure it will take work and big lifestyle change....meds, frequent vacuuming, quick shower when you come back inside, maybe wiping down your dog, etc.

You and your family will need to decide if you are up for the commitment!!
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Allergies to Koda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Allergies to Koda   Allergies to Koda EmptyMon Mar 18, 2019 11:33 pm

You need to see an allergist regardless of whether you keep Koda or not. I have multiple, severe pollen, mold, mite and bee allergies, all which make my asthma act up. Shots, nasal steroids and antihistamines have given me my life back.

To control allergens on Koda's fur, wipe down with a damp cloth before entering house. I have, on multiple occasions, had to resort to wearing an N95 dust to control symptoms outside.
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Female Join date : 2019-02-27
Location : Florida

Allergies to Koda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Allergies to Koda   Allergies to Koda EmptyTue Mar 19, 2019 12:52 am

Thank you everyone for your posts!
Shepsky- I also have asthma and the pollen allergies are so bad for me right now. My backyard is layered.
Allergies to Koda 20190310

I will try wiping him down with a damp cloth every time I bring him outside and hopefully it will get better. I cleaned all my bedsheets and blankets so I can get a better sleep tonight. I might need to ask my doctor about this if it gets worse though.
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Male Join date : 2017-11-03
Location : North Carolina, USA

Allergies to Koda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Allergies to Koda   Allergies to Koda EmptyTue Mar 19, 2019 10:26 am


I do recommend an allergist if you can! My husband went to get tested before we got a dog, because we already knew he was allergic to cats. The test came back that with no reaction to dogs, but with high scores for grass/tree pollens and medium scores for dust and mold. It was very interesting to learn all that, and then we knew how to 'manage'. One thing I would check is to make sure you aren't allergic to dog dander? (It's a much smaller percentage of people than cats, but that does change things...)

The allergist was also able to prescribe my husband a spray for his nose that he uses during the bad seasons here (spring/fall) and he found a daily antihistamine that doesn't make him sleepy. The thing with antihistamines is that you have to take them on a daily basis so that they work steadily in your body at suppressing the release of antihistamines (what your body releases thinking that the pollen is a deadly germ).

There are lots of strategies for allergic folks...vacuuming, dusting, replacing curtains with blinds, keeping dog entirely out of your bedroom (keep door shut), HEPA air filter in the bedroom, taking a quick rinse including your hair when you come in from outside, wiping down the dog (they sell allergy wipes in petshops but not sure how great they are?) ...woo, it takes Work! But committed families can do it.

And as for Family...if there are people in your family that aren't allergic, I'd ask them to help with taking Koda out sometimes during the bad seasons! I don't have allergies, and I love being outside with my dog - it is certainly not a horrible chore, especially in the spring and fall.

Asthma is nothing to fool around with. If you can't seem to get your allergies under control using the typical ways like above...I think you have to consider rehoming Koda. (I know... Crying or Very sad )

And, I'd work on training for the jumping, biting, mouthing...typical young dog behaviors that just about every dog owner deals with, you don't have to "live" with that the way you have to live with pollen! Good Luck with whatever you choose to do!
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Female Join date : 2019-02-27
Location : Florida

Allergies to Koda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Allergies to Koda   Allergies to Koda EmptyTue Mar 19, 2019 9:15 pm

Thank you everybody! I'll ask my mom about seeing an allergist. The last time I've been to one I was in middle school and I don't remember what I was allergic to but I do remember my entire back was red.
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