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 Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies.

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Join date : 2020-06-14

Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. Empty
PostSubject: Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies.   Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. EmptySun Jun 14, 2020 8:03 am


Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue with their husky pupper - we've had our pup for 5 days and he's a 9 week old.

Between myself and my partner he is very calm, affectionate at home but very skittish and scared around new people, especially men (he gets his hackles up and growls).. He is slow to come to strangers - especially those in the house (we introduce slow, the stranger ignores him - sometimes he'll retreat to his crate)
He can sometimes growl at women but not to the same extent as men..

Yesterday we went to the local pet store - we have done this every day to get him used to different environments. We met a 12 week old lab pupper . They sniffed at each other and the lab pup was instantly submissive and lay down wanting to play. We had spoken to the owner about this been the first dog he has met - etc and we were not sure how it would go. Soca started growling and barking at him and put his hackles up, jumping up and down on his lead . We distracted him from the lab and apologized - the other dog owner was great..

We've a trainer coming on Wednesday to help us with him. Has anyone else had this experience with husky pups? From what we read they're supposed to be very social and affectionate. We have not owned a husky before but 2 springers who were very playful as pups and not as scared..

Any advice would be great. Thank you
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies.   Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. EmptySun Jun 14, 2020 2:31 pm

So my view on the agression with the lab is probably very different from most people. My experience with squirt was when i brought her home at 8 weeks the very first thing she did was attack my rottweiler. Then they got along great. Then she got along great with the other dogs and our cats. Then several years later she killed the cats and tried to kill the other 3 dogs and now cant be around any other animal. My opinion is you may not have a puppy playdate dog. Nothing wrong with that just like people not every dog is a social butterfly. With the human issue its time and patience also consider having him altered. Maybe bring the scary humans to his level on the floor and make sure they have treats. Really sounds like a normal puppy that maybe just wasnt handled alot before you got him. When spider was little people bending over her to pet her caused her panic attacks and we worked on that by having them sit on the floor at her level with hot dogs. Even now if someone comes up too quick or bends over her she gets upset if she doesnt know them.

But a husky puppy is totally different from a Springer as you noticed.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies.   Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. EmptySun Jun 14, 2020 4:06 pm

First. She's only been with you 5 days. Just taken away from mom and siblings, new environment, new people. Give her time.

Second, hacked do not necessarily mean aggression. Sometimes just excitement. And, if you get anxious about get behavior, she will add that to her mix of emotions.

Third. Huskies make the damnedest sounds. I still can't tell when Z'ev is aggressive with Ami and when he's playing. I take my lead from Ami - if Ami goes, "whoa, bud, cool it" then I know it's aggression. If Ami play bored any pounces and runs, I know he's playing.

Bottom line? I'd let your pup acclimate to you guys for a week or two and begin socializing a bit more slowly.
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Female Join date : 2019-11-18
Location : Uk

Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies.   Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. EmptyMon Jun 15, 2020 5:33 am

I agree with Amy, I’ve got a brother and sister husky pups, Apollo my boy husky will do the goofiest run to other dogs with a low howl and roll and start to play, Storm on the other hand comes of standoffish and her fur will come up on the back of her neck and she will howl and do little jumps but that’s her way of wanting to play and when they start to play the noises are unbelievable!!
But the point I’m trying to make is I’ve raised Storm and Apollo the same way and socialised them the same way but they have different ways of initiating play,
I hope this helps!
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Nicole Raslich
Nicole Raslich

Female Join date : 2016-12-02
Location : Michigan

Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies.   Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. EmptyThu Jun 18, 2020 1:05 pm

We had this exact issue with our second pup. We actually had to go through puppy school twice because she refused to even let the trainer touch her fur although she listened exceptionally well. Definately let the puppy get adjusted to you and then start with whatever training treats you are going to use. Always keep some by the front door and when people come in your house, have them treat the dog, gradually bringing the dog closer into the person. Our friend was terrified of dogs and our puppy was leary of everyone so the mix was worrisome. We did this for about a month while they both got used to each other and eventually with the treat in hand, he could pet her. Then, they became besties and he would stay at the house and dog sit her. Also, always bring treats with you when out with the dog and that way if someone wants to pet your newest family member, make the dog sit and then give the human a treat to offer before they pet your dog. Just explain that you are training and the dog is skittish. Please, please, please go to obedience school with this one. It will help with the socialization. Stop in at your vets office with pup just to say hi. Everything helps, ours was always hesitant to let new people pet her but she had no aggression.
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies.   Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. EmptyThu Jun 18, 2020 9:13 pm

That is a good method of training with the treats. It works about 95% of the time. I really love (sarcasm) when it goes about 5 levels above that and all 18 lbs of splinter chase my very fit 21 yr old cousin across the house and up the stairs. But that is a terrier for ya.

Anyway the pup will come around. You atleast have the advantage of 100% dog dna. Spider didnt but still turned out ok. I had 1 dog that never really came around to strangers but he was severely abused before i got him from the aspca
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Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies.   Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies. Empty

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Is our 9 week old puppy aggressive? PLEASE help. Fear of strangers and other puppies.

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