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 Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or Extremely long tongue issues!

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Female Join date : 2013-05-15
Location : Hortense Georgia

Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! Empty
PostSubject: Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or Extremely long tongue issues!   Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! EmptySun Sep 27, 2020 5:43 am

Sorry in advance for the lengthy story/question...My boy Lucifer has an extremely long tongue, so much that it basically lolls out 98% of the time. SO there is a lot more slobber and leaking then I am actually used to with this breed. It is so long when he's just checking you out his long tongue just drags across your arm, legs or where ever lol. Which isn't a problem, It's grown on me lol. Plus side he's extremely photogenic. But my biggest issue is the water bowl. There is sooooooo much water that it is actually going to cause damage if I do not figure something out. Currently I use towels and have to change them out each day or two as they stay wet constantly. No dry out period lol. I don't genuinely like to use my towels up that way. But my question is....Is there a much easier, aesthetically pleasing, LESS MESSIER water bowl option? Or am I asking for Champagne one a beer budget? LOL

I see basically that when he laps the water his tongue is extended so much that he barely gets much water by the time it reaches his mouth lol if that makes sense, it all just flies everywhere as it's got a long way to be drawn up then normal. And normally he just lays down and sticks whole face in it or coats his entire front in water, from mouth down to front legs. So you can imagine how far all that water travels from the actual bowl itself! First thing that comes to mind when you step in a huge puddle of water on kitchen floor is not that the dog just got his normal drink of water lol. But that is the case for me as of right now lol. He has a very large bowl that is bottom weighted, and after a drink or two it usually looks like he has spilled the bowl over and it runs out in a 3 to 4 ft radius but that's just how much water he gets everywhere from drinking! So a whole lotta mopping. Hopefully I give enough details and hopefully someone has some great suggestions!!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or Extremely long tongue issues!   Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! EmptySun Sep 27, 2020 2:34 pm

Try filling the bowl only by half? That way he has to stick his head further in and contain some of the mess. Or use a large plastic mat to put the water bowl on? It could also be something he'll outgrow. Every puppy I've had makes a mess with the water bowl.
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Female Join date : 2013-05-15
Location : Hortense Georgia

Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or Extremely long tongue issues!   Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! EmptyMon Sep 28, 2020 3:22 am

Even if it is low on water it happens I also have the rubber mat tray but it just gets filled and water under it and that's what I am using with towel currently, He will be 1 October 27th. No matter how much the water level he gets it all everywhere unless maybe it is just on bottom but then I'd have to refill every 30 minutes or less. Thank you though for the suggestion!!!!
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Female Join date : 2019-11-18
Location : Uk

Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or Extremely long tongue issues!   Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! EmptyMon Sep 28, 2020 5:07 am

What about a bucket? Fill it half way so he has to stick hes head in the bucket and hopefully sides will catch any over flow?
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or Extremely long tongue issues!   Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! EmptyMon Sep 28, 2020 8:45 am

i have a 5x5 ft tray that has a place to hook a hose to drain for my plants. Its technically for putting a rooftop ac on but does wonders containing water, and is drainable. Wont look pretty but might solve the issue.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or Extremely long tongue issues!   Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! EmptyMon Sep 28, 2020 10:32 am

They make water bowls specifically for dogs that are like this. It also works for dogs with long ears that dip in the bowl and dogs with beards that soak up lots of water while they are drinking. They are called no slobber bowls. In a nutshell, they have an internal rim that should knock at least some of the water back down in the bowl when they try to pull excessive amounts up and out of the bowl. Now this doesn't stop the dogs who load their mouth full of water and then just dump it out on the floor, but it should slow down the slopping and slinging.

Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2013-05-15
Location : Hortense Georgia

Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or Extremely long tongue issues!   Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! EmptyTue Sep 29, 2020 10:29 pm

Thank y'all for the suggestions! Looking at the link you sent for the bowl I found one that has a top thing in it and basically only allows him to use his tongue to get it out! I will update with name and how well it works on this thread after we have tried it for a week!! Thanks again!
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or Extremely long tongue issues!   Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! EmptyFri Oct 02, 2020 11:46 am

I would really appreciate the update on how it works. I've been thinking about getting one but just haven't due to unsure how much water they hold. With three dogs currently I don't want something so small it would run out multiple times a day, but one of boys slops water everywhere when he drinks too.

Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! Huskyf10
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Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or Extremely long tongue issues!   Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or  Extremely long tongue issues! Empty

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Any Suggestions for water bowl/tsunami mess or Extremely long tongue issues!

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