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 Best type of fence

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Join date : 2018-11-24

Best type of fence  Empty
PostSubject: Best type of fence    Best type of fence  EmptyThu Mar 17, 2022 9:38 pm

Hello everyone, im trying to decide what type of fence to build for my backyard, I’m new here and I was just wondering what are peoples experiences with fences

Im kinda leaning to chain link fences because they seem cheaper, but I may have to go with a wooden fence for safety as I don’t want my dog to escape

So what type of fence is better in your opinion, chain link or wood?
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Best type of fence  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best type of fence    Best type of fence  EmptyFri Mar 18, 2022 12:25 am

Depends on your climate. Wood here twists and everything needs bolts or screws because nails will pull out. And safety from what?

I use cattle panels with a combo of step in posts and braces. Id love wood but with the wind and climate it wont last. And if i was going saftey i would go lion proof but thats where i live.

If i could i would do 8 ft wood with a hotwire lean out.

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Join date : 2018-11-24

Best type of fence  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best type of fence    Best type of fence  EmptyFri Mar 18, 2022 1:33 am

Safety in the sense that a dog won’t be climbing a wooden fence as a easily as a chain link one, for weather im in the south.
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Best type of fence  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best type of fence    Best type of fence  EmptyFri Mar 18, 2022 2:02 am

If your worried about jumping or climbing then a lean in probably needs to be in place. Mine are ok with 50 inch cattle panels but i am constantly filling holes along the fence.

Both have pros and cons wood looks better, helps the value of your house but requires upkeep and a dog could chew through it. Chain link cost less basically mantinence free but is detrimental to your house value.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Best type of fence  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best type of fence    Best type of fence  EmptyFri Mar 18, 2022 12:02 pm

I do this more often than I used to but I'm going to suggest you take a look at those topics where "fence" is the operative word.  To help with that I'll give you a head start. That search pulls all topic where "fence" is mentioned and I found many of them might be helpful in your research.

As @amymeme mentions in her post about Zev some dogs don't bother. The attitude that "this is home" overpowers the "I wanna run" but with others it's just the reverse.

If you don't find anything helpfun in the search I gave you, then maybe post a bit more about your situation. For example, I'm in the south - southwest Texas which is just a little different from south Louisiana so knowing where you are helps (a community, or part of a state, doesn't have to be specific); are you renting or do you own; are you in the woods or a subdivision (( not saying that a subdivision can't be in the woods ... Smile ))

Best type of fence  S-event    Best type of fence  S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Best type of fence  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best type of fence    Best type of fence  EmptyFri Mar 18, 2022 3:49 pm

Wood - huskies have been know to chew enough to get over or through wood fences.

Chain link - huskies climb (my little guy has climbed trees. While leashed temporarily to the tree...

I use a wired dog fence - Petsafe YardMax. Though not when we are not home (we're retired.) But doesn't keep other animals, or naughty people, out. I had a problem with my big guy getting out this fall when I did not know the transmitter had failed (should have alerted me but didn't.

A wood or chain link fence with a wired, invisible type dog fence wire around the base is probably the safest and most secure
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Best type of fence  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best type of fence    Best type of fence  EmptyMon Mar 21, 2022 10:18 am

Back when my dogs cared a wooden fence with a concreted base so no one could dig under was the most secure. It didn't let anything in. It didn't let anything out. They also couldn't see through it to know if there was anything on the other side worth trying to escape over. That said, you just gotta know your dog. My two have been perfectly fine with a 4ft chain link fence for years. If a stray mutt tries to run up to it and antagonize them then I have to go out and get them because that might would be enough to try to get someone to jump the fence, but living in the country that is a rare event. Know your dog. Know your stimuli. Go from there. Unless you ever anticipate adopting a dog from a rescue, in which case they will likely require you to have a 6ft privacy fence and deny you application if you don't.

Best type of fence  Huskyf10
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Best type of fence

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