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 Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP

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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP Empty
PostSubject: Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP   Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP EmptyMon Jan 23, 2023 8:04 pm

Jack Bealer
2008 to 1-12-2023
Jack led a life full of adventure, I think it’s safe to say he saw more than most humans do in a lifetime.  We adopted him on March 21st, 2009, after Sierra picked him out from the Polaris husky Rescue in FtCO, they were best friends for 9 years.  The rescue thought he was about 1- 1.5yrs old so we rounded down to 1yr, he very well could have been 15 when he passed. Having Sierra and Jack in our lives brought us many friendships all over the world and I am forever grateful for those connections. He truly was one of the last ones standing, it has been hard saying goodbye to so many great pups over the years.
Jack took to mountain climbing like a natural, he was my hiking buddy for 11 years with us doing many solo adventures together, I joked that if he was a human, he would be a guide as he was so good at reading the trail and being off leash above tree line. He also was a great motivator, if we ever stopped for too long, he would start yelling at us to get moving. While a chatter box in the car (I used my mom ears to block him out) we took many road trips into the mountains and even as far away as New Mexico. He was a pro in tents, hotels, and cabins. Jack climbed 85- 13ers & 14ers, his last 13er was Mt. Evans B with Finn on 9-19-2020. That’s not counting all the local trails we did for training, he loved being outside in the woods and on the snow. As Jack started to slow down, we took to easy trails and dog park visits for him to enjoy, we traded the tent in for cabin stays and did all the things he loved.
We did notice a change in his health in Aug and by Nov. we did an ultrasound that showed some things but missed the liver cancer, a week later we learned the news and bawled our eyes out. I had a feeling it was cancer, I was noticing signs similar to Sierra, except back then we did not know with her till it was too late. We made sure his last Christmas was the best, we took to a easy trail in Golden, got pup cakes and french-fries at the brewery. He tore into the gifts on Christmas morning like a little kid.
I prayed he would make it till I got back from my trip, a trip that should have happened in 2020 and 2021. I would miss saying good bye to my best friend in person and it crushed me. I left Ken alone to handle his last days and I feel terrible about that. I switched my flight as my budget would allow but I was still short a day. We are grateful for Caring Pathways for working with us and the timing so I could be there on video between flights. Jack took his last breaths at 3pm on thur the 12th with Ken and the pups.
Rest In Peace my sweet boy, I love and miss you so much. I hope you have found Sierra and all your other friends and will keep watch over us till we meet again.

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP 2011-110

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP P3310611

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP 55893410

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP Rocky_10

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP P9256710

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP 20221210

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP Iaht10
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP   Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP EmptyMon Jan 23, 2023 9:34 pm

I don't know whether it hurts more to have to put a dog to sleep or to read about one who's lived such a full life who has reached his last day. You have my sincerest sympathy, you know that. That was a beautiful eulogy to a beautiful friend.

Rest in peace Jack and keep the pathway to the bridge open.

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP S-event    Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP   Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP EmptyTue Jan 24, 2023 11:02 am

We learned a lot about what we could do with our own watching you and Jack and Sierra over the years. Your adventures have made our own that much better.

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP Huskyf10
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Join date : 2011-08-19

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP   Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP EmptyMon Feb 20, 2023 11:47 am

The pack here sends gentle wooooos,
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Male Join date : 2010-12-22
Location : Portland, OR

Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP   Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP EmptyMon Feb 20, 2023 12:44 pm

Rest in peace, Jack.
Run free.
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Jack, my best hiking buddy- RIP

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