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 Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*

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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyFri Jul 19, 2013 4:16 pm

Thank you both Very Happy
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyFri Jul 19, 2013 4:40 pm

They're gorgeous!
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyFri Jul 19, 2013 5:44 pm

Thanks Abby Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-08-29
Location : Ohio

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyFri Jul 19, 2013 11:15 pm

They are gorgeous as ever, and their coats are coming in nicely! Are their coats still puppyish? For some reason they seem really plush and reminds me of Yuki's coat right now.
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyFri Jul 19, 2013 11:31 pm

Enya's coat is still mostly puppy coat. Kenna has a very appropriate coat now that she's shed her puppy fluff.
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Super Nova
Super Nova

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Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 1:14 am

I like the pool pictures!
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 2:00 am

Oh Enya!!! I love the one of her on the tree. I also love the one of them running side by side. They are such peas in a pod!!
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 30, 2013 2:02 am

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 993951_10151730571031590_545090262_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 521883_10151730571066590_660049097_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 18414_10151730571151590_1541357178_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 164495_10151730571326590_1223814841_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 970443_10151730571521590_566011630_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 521883_10151730571721590_1537644357_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 999381_10151730571841590_1744454772_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 988295_10151730571966590_1027322739_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1014011_10151730572146590_718922681_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 998414_10151730573086590_1294787494_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1000512_10151730573091590_1789433306_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1004503_10151730573411590_1300586548_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 603066_10151730573851590_1217518542_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 993935_10151730574071590_1447113093_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 548896_10151730574411590_964077058_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 970306_10151730573836590_1962203392_n
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyThu Nov 21, 2013 11:52 pm

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1457601_10151962778386590_850569173_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 551355_10151962778481590_714718507_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1391689_10151962778496590_1462728030_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1466099_10151962778626590_1797324131_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1452175_10151962779251590_1609846813_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1456074_10151983876881590_863592177_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1458581_10151983877396590_752725603_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1378455_10151878289361590_82598172_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1378033_10151878289486590_747924192_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1381291_10151882189656590_1124457667_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1374233_10151888963581590_2135098112_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1391965_10151910429906590_872010222_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1383732_10151911137316590_594795209_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1375794_10151911138396590_1652479391_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1385942_10151911138656590_1811260603_n
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptySat Nov 23, 2013 8:03 pm

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1474487_10151997931591590_1009157788_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1456679_10151997931561590_1264875638_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1456074_10151997931601590_1340145821_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1474644_10151997931796590_1235700762_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1459287_10151997931801590_1572824736_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1475902_10151997932036590_411978070_n
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyMon Dec 23, 2013 9:50 pm

The girls stayed home while we were out at the races this past weekend, but they were thrilled to have everyone home!

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1525652_10152061203626590_1259565129_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1506061_10152061204751590_2048946143_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1536732_10152061207371590_1225938276_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1524951_10152061208206590_1274617441_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1510413_10152061208386590_1456080130_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1525186_10152061209976590_1327736971_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1483342_10152061210121590_1947053246_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1464606_10152061211181590_1713036020_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1533952_10152061211221590_2081894416_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1532037_10152061211341590_714457556_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 579266_10152061211541590_1066255218_n
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyMon Dec 23, 2013 9:56 pm

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1476046_10152021834756590_588138229_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 575426_10152021834761590_827187958_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 575710_10152021837016590_2110401269_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1469865_10152021837346590_1550893048_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1467337_10152021837811590_1133974085_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1472798_10152021838521590_406189064_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 734491_10152021838546590_1349270644_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1453286_10152021839706590_1719346974_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 599825_10152021839931590_1975392651_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1457745_10152021840366590_1614242504_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1478919_10152021841276590_261815610_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1482882_10152021841196590_1768926863_nEnya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 1475820_10152021841486590_181350663_n
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyTue Dec 24, 2013 4:43 am

I love that very last picture!! Those girls are just gorgeous.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyTue Dec 24, 2013 10:13 am

I love that pic of Denali with one of the girls (I can never remember which is which lol). He looks like, "silly puppy, be gone." Ha ha. They are looking much more adult now, losing that puppy look to their heads and faces. Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyMon May 05, 2014 4:11 pm

I'm going to get a little personal for a moment as we prepare to close a chapter in our book. For those of you have followed us and our team from our foundation you've got to share a big part in our hopes and dreams...and sometimes the hardest thing one can possibly do is to do the right thing.

Kenna, though she has a beautiful head piece, her body unfortunately did not develop structurally correct enough to the standard for her to remain a showing and potential breeding candidate with us. Her appointment is set for this Thursday and she will remain here as a family pet and as long as her drive remains intact her spot on the team will be held for her.

We are really broken up over the decision, but as I said before it's the right choice by the breed and by our belief in keeping the integrity of the Siberian Husky as a structurally sound quality working dog. Bare with us as we move on from this point, all is not lost Her sister Enya still shows some great potential and of course we have our Rogue up and coming so the future still looks very bright even if this casts a bit of a shadow over our original goals.

We will post an update after the procedure. Thank you all for your continued support <3

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 10155516_635369559864609_3952763378999487500_n
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Female Join date : 2012-08-02
Location : Louisiana

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyTue May 06, 2014 9:16 am

Aww, Lani. That has got to be so hard, but it sounds like the right decision for you guys and what you want for your future kennel and breeding program. <3

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Signat11
Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 O8Cmm5
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 EmptyTue May 06, 2014 9:38 am

What a disappointment...and selfless, too. I'm happy to hear you're keeping her as a pet - she still looks absolutely lovable and full of life. I know our pup looks like he was put together from rejected spare parts but he still is a love and a bundle of fun! I love your pictures and envy your pack - wish I was up to it but one is about as much as I can manage...
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Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*   Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014* - Page 4 Empty

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Enya and Kenna's Scrapbook *UPDATED 5/5/2014*

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