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 Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22

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Female Join date : 2014-07-17
Location : Montana

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptySat Sep 13, 2014 1:53 am

I am completely in love with his coloring!
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 1:51 pm

I successfully converted my family to huskies. I frequently brows the breeder I bought Kavik from because I like to see the newest litters. A couple weeks ago I showed my dad the latest puppies. He instantly fell in love with this guy and he became his birthday present. The two dogs aren't from the same parents but their personalities are pretty similar.

His name is Chugach, after the same mountain range. He's 11 weeks old, bi-eyed/parti-eyed, and sable colored. His right eye is all brown and his left is mostly blue with some brown.
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Kavik likes playing with him.
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And at least one dog knows what the bed is for.
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Last edited by Kavik_the_Havoc on Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:01 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Male Join date : 2015-04-06
Location : Louisville, KY

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 1:55 pm

They both are GORGEOUS! What's the name of the breeder you use? I'm always browsing for husky #2 and I love the Agouti look!
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 2:01 pm

Wow what a mask, very striking, lovely new pup. Kavik is looking great, been needing a Kavik fix, thanks for the new pics!!!!!!!
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 2:35 pm

Wow, that mask indeed. Very interested to see how that develops with age. Kavik is looking great, as always. Some interesting ones come out of your breeder. Very unique.

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Huskyf10
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Join date : 2012-12-23
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Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 4:02 pm

tyler.jenkins.125 wrote:
They both are GORGEOUS! What's the name of the breeder you use? I'm always browsing for husky #2 and I love the Agouti look!

They always have super gorgeous puppies. They often breed dark/agouti ones, my favorite coloring. They also have other coat colors. The breeders are nice to do business with and the two dogs I've gotten from them have been very healthy with great personalities. If I ever get a second dog for myself I will buy from them again.

I wonder if Chugach will go through the same weird coat metamorphosis Kavik did.

Thanks guys!

Last edited by Kavik_the_Havoc on Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 4:44 pm

I've been so busy that I haven't been on this site in a while. I'll probably say that every time I post here Laughing

Here are some pictures that were taken in 2014.

Pictures from his birthday at 2 years old. Everything is pumpkin because he's an October puppy.
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He saw deer 2014 winter at my parent's house.
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A couple grainy photos of him being spoiled. He put his chin on my hand then rolled over so I could scratch him.
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Female Join date : 2013-08-08

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 5:33 pm

Beautiful pups! Thanks for sharing!
I love the pool pictures; my husky lies down in his the same way haha.
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyThu Jul 23, 2015 3:01 pm

Kavik and the puppy had a scuffle yesterday. I was in another room and thought my mom was watching the dogs when the puppy started screaming. I jumped up and found the puppy curled into a corner with Kavik trying to sniff him and acting confused by the crying. He doesn't like it when the puppy cries and always comes running when he starts up. I don't know if Kavik made a scolding bite or was too rough while playing, but i'm pretty sure his tooth slashed the puppy and that it was an accident.

I pressed a paper towel to the puppy's wound  and my mom drove us to the emergency vet. Blood was dripping out one nostril and his wound bled for a good 15 minutes. Luckely the vet said it was only a flesh wound (pun intended Razz) and the force of the hit gave him a little nose bleed. The puppy got two stitches and is on antibiotics and pain killers. He's mostly back to normal today though you can tell when the pain killers are wearing off. It's killing both dogs that they can't play right now.  Kavik keeps bringing toys to the puppy's kennel and has left a ring of them around it.

I don't blame Kavik, I don't think he hurt the puppy on purpose, but I'm kind of mad they weren't being supervised. Kavik is too big and gets playing too rough for the two of them to be left alone together.  

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Image.jpg1_zps6iukh9mw
Chugach will be fine and he'll probably have his stitches out in ten days. Poor puppy.

Edit: I suggested my dad change his name to Stitch Laughing
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Male Join date : 2015-04-06
Location : Louisville, KY

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyThu Jul 23, 2015 3:38 pm

Awww, poor baby! Hope he is back to normal soon.
Stitch would be a perfect name for him!
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 12, 2016 12:32 pm

It's almost been a year since I It's hard to believe Kavik is 3 years and 8 months old. He has calmed down a lot and is such a good boy.

Story time:

I was with him in colorado for a year. My parents live up in the mountains at about 8,700 ft. Everyone had 10 acres though most of it was steep hills. I had a scare when my mom opened the door and Kavik escaped into the woods. She came into my room and said he had bolted past her. I was lucky I had tennis shoes on but I grabbed nothing, not even a jacket or my cell phone. It was starting to get dark and the fall temperatures were dipping. I saw caught a glimpse of his tail down a slope and started the chase.

When you're up at almost 9,000, your body has to work hard to pull in the thinned out oxygen. I wasn't acclimated to the altitude yet and I was starting to have an asthma attack and my lungs were filling with fluid as I gulped down air. I knew if I didn't catch him it was likely I would never see him again so I refused to stop.

My mom followed me up a steep hill with her car a minute later since there was a dirt road, but she couldn't follow for long. She didn't get out of her car and just stared as I disappeared, running after him.

I was lucky that the neighbor who backed up to my parents property us was outside and that he had two great pyrenees in his yard. Kavik stopped to greet them and the neighbor grabbed him. I can't thank that neighbor enough. There aren't enough cookies I can bake or hugs I can give to that person for grabbing kavik and waiting until I came over to get him.

I didn't have a leash so I had to drag Kavik all the way back by his collar. Chasing after him and dragging him back over the course of a mile sounds simple but the altitude and rocky, steep terrain made it a marathon. I was a bit disoriented about where I was on the way back since I wasn't familiar with the area, but I managed to find the road that led back to the house. When I got back I put him in my room and flopped onto the floor. Kavik thought we had just had a great time and was panting happily  No

Livid doesn't begin to explain how I felt toward my mom. First she let him out, and I guarantee it was due to alcohol, then she panicked in her befuddled, slightly intoxicated state instead of helping.  Mad Needless to say, I kept him in my room with the door shut every evening after that.

Summer 2015.
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He loved the snow. This winter there was a storm that created 5 feet of snow.

Winter 2015.
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I moved back to Texas last week and I'm back in my own place. Kavik is a single puppy again.

Moving day.
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The Uhaul broke down the first day after a couple hours so we were stuck in a hotel for a day. Kavik didn't seem to mind.
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Kavik and Chugach had to share a kennel until we found the second one. They were watching the moving guys bring in the furniture. I could tell breaking these two up was going to be hard.
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Kavik not feeling too sure about all of this.
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The first few days he refused to leave his kennel but once furniture stopped moving around, the boxes decreased, and he got a squeaky toy and treats, he calmed down.
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 12, 2016 1:46 pm

Wow on your story, so glad you had a happy ending to that. Love the pics, he is so very handsome, and so mature looking. I see that happy husky bond he had with your dads husky. The pic with the 2 of them and Kavik's head sticky out of the snow is the best! Thanks for updating, he is such a unique looking guy, enjoy seeing him.
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 12, 2016 2:50 pm

Thank you. I enjoy sharing him here.
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Male Join date : 2014-09-20
Location : Houston, TX

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 12, 2016 8:01 pm

Oh my goodness what a dramatic story Shocked
Kavik got to experience amazing snow!! perfect pics
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Join date : 2015-05-19
Location : manteca, ca

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyWed Jul 13, 2016 5:34 pm

WOW, that was one crazy day, i'm glade it had a happy ending.
very cool snow pics, like the one where he disappeared into it hahaha.
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyWed Jul 13, 2016 11:38 pm

I love these pics, he has the most beautiful head and coloring to his coat, just beautiful! The story was scary, mine getting loose is one of my biggest fears, and to get loose in the mountains! Ugh, I'd freak! Glad everything turned out ok. You gotta update more often, he's just so beautiful.
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyThu Jul 14, 2016 3:32 am

The experience was scary and I'm glad it had a happy ending too. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't of caught him. Those woods are hardcore with mountain lions and bears looking to stock up for winter. I was lucky there were no deer, elk, or a hulking moose around for him to go chasing after. Then there was also a highway he could have wandered down to....A dog loose in those woods is not good.

I noticed it sounds like I give my mom a hard time...I do but only because I care. cyclops

davecerv wrote:
Oh my goodness what a dramatic story Shocked
Kavik got to experience amazing snow!! perfect pics

The amount of snow was insane. The dogs loved it.

RedFlashFire05 wrote:
WOW, that was one crazy day, i'm glade it had a happy ending.
very cool snow pics, like the one where he disappeared into it hahaha.

Both dogs were wiggling, pouncing, and flopping their way through the snow. It was funny to watch.

Artic_Wind wrote:
I love these pics, he has the most beautiful head and coloring to his coat, just beautiful! The story was scary, mine getting loose is one of my biggest fears, and to get loose in the mountains! Ugh, I'd freak! Glad everything turned out ok. You gotta update more often, he's just so beautiful.

Thank you. I absolutely love his coat coloring and mask, too. Agouti is definitely my favorite coat type. I'll try to post more often!
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2020 10:39 am

Wow, its been a looong time since I updated. A lot has happened with me finishing school and getting a job. Kavik has done great during my 3 year haitus. He is still a good boy with an outgoing, grumpy attitude. He's a 10/10 and I would still chase him over a mountain and back again if I had to. Thankfully, he has never escaped again.

June 2018
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September 2018
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September 2019
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March 2020
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Last edited by Kavik_the_Havoc on Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:35 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2020 10:59 am

congrats on finishing school! Kavik is looking great.

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Huskyf10
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2020 11:16 am

(Now you'll see why part of why I magically came back kek). Introducing Tulok! I wanted a second dog for a long time, but I wanted to wait until I could afford one myself. I did not plan to get him during the corona virus lock down. I started looking into getting Tulok two months before everything started going nuts in the world, but it has worked out since I get to spend a lot of time with both dogs. I've had him for about a month now. I received him when he was a little over 3 months old.

He is an incredibly sweet boy who came home as a very healthy and outgoing pup. I'm grateful the breeders were willing to hold him so I could make preparations to receive him. He is a big opposite of Kavik as a puppy. He likes to cuddle! and doesn't turn into a perturbed growling helicopter (aka Kavik) when I pick him up. He's the first dog I've had who wants to crawl into my lap and stay there.

Born 12/10/19

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The rest of the photos were taken by me after I received him.

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 LyoXPVx

I can't take Tulok anywhere because of the lock down, but I've been walking them together and separate. They do well on a double leash.

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Bath! He couldn't escape the bathroom and was mad!
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Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 AcecEOG

Kavik and Tulok get along pretty dang well, but Tulok is still a bit too little to play with Kavik. Which is fine since Tulok prefers people to dogs so he leaves Kavik alone. I keep them separated by putting Tulok in a playpen unless I am watching them. Kavik plays with him a little bit which is good because he appropriately scolds Tulok for biting.

Tulok started out with really bad separation anxiety and a big biting/mouthing problem, but he has made huge improvements. He already sleeps through the night and I found his magic calming method to be draping a towel over his kennel. He puts himself to bed and enjoys his kennel.

He lost his first puppy tooth today 4/20/20. I didn't find the tooth but there's a fresh bloody spot where one used to be.

I love Tulok and Kavik. They're both great to have around, especially during this corona craziness. There's no other feeling like sitting on the couch and having a fuzzy husky curled up on either side.

Last edited by Kavik_the_Havoc on Mon Apr 20, 2020 3:39 pm; edited 11 times in total
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2020 11:17 am

TwisterII wrote:
congrats on finishing school! Kavik is looking great.

Thank you! It was looong road that Kavik helped see me through.
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Female Join date : 2019-11-18
Location : Uk

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2020 5:19 pm

You pup is the cutest, I love he’s eyes!!

Last edited by Liv_Skye on Tue Apr 21, 2020 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2020 5:51 pm

Chugach looks like this now. Sorry it's kind of grainy. His birthday is actually today. He just turned 5! 4/20/20:

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Ip4q7Pz

Last edited by Kavik_the_Havoc on Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2019-11-18
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Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Apr 21, 2020 4:33 am

happy birthday To him!

Last edited by Liv_Skye on Tue Apr 21, 2020 12:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 EmptyTue Apr 21, 2020 11:45 am

Liv_Skye wrote:
Yes mum was white and dad was brown, also happy birthday to him!

Thank you!
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Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22    Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22  - Page 4 Empty

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Kavik and Tulok's Scrapbook (Tulok starts page 4) updated 10/37/22

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