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 (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13

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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 10:10 am

Jennet&Embry wrote:
MayaAndSophie wrote:
Adorable! Wish my girls played that well with puppies. Sad
I was actually really surprised. Embry is usually really dominant and impatient with puppies but he has been SO good with Scarlette. Ares loves her to death, but he's still a puppy and just wants to play. Zoey on the other hand HATES her and wants nothing to do with her. I have never seen Zoey so distant from all of us, she stays far away from the puppy and snaps at her if she tries playing with her stuff.
Lol, my girls love puppies! (little too much). Maya pins them to the ground (bad) and Sophie plays with them but may try to pin them (learned from Maya). Kay is just crazy but she's the best with small dogs and puppies, the only bad thing she does is leg grabbing.
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Male Join date : 2012-04-18
Location : New England

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 10:14 am

Scarlette is so cute! I loved watching the video! Thanks for sharing!
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 2:52 pm

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 8569605988_1da3690034_z
Scarlette by Arctic Blue Huskies, on Flickr
(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 8568507443_5eb8f595c3_z
Scarlette by Arctic Blue Huskies, on Flickr
(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 8569605966_d5b6a308cf_z
Scarlette by Arctic Blue Huskies, on Flickr
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Female Join date : 2012-01-29
Location : Broken Arrow, OK

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 2:54 pm

She is just way way too cute.. I don't know how you will be able to give her up.
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 3:02 pm

Lol I really don't want to, but we're really going to have to see. I still haven't recieved money from her owner, and we're apparently moving into a new house with a fenced yard in the next few months so everything is going day by day now depending on if we get the house.
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Female Join date : 2013-01-18
Location : Northern Virgina

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 3:28 pm

Oh my god I just died from cuteness overload with that last pic.
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 4:07 pm

Girl, you're so keeping her! Razz

She's adorable! I can't take it!

Poor princess Zoey Sad She'll get over it though. Mya was like for a few months when Asia came along. Did NOT like anoher female in the house!
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySat Mar 23, 2013 1:39 am

Well Scarlette's owner has read all the messages I sent to her this week and felt to not respond nor try and send me money. I have someone 3 hours away that is interested in her, but I don't know if I want her going that far, I want to still be able to see her.. I think I'm being selfish and not thinking of her best interest. Ugh, my life.

I hadn't even noticed how big she got until I decided to do this to find out..
(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 531638_4505512607982_2128611304_n

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 8580992339_b1133c5245_z
Zoey and Scarlette by Arctic Blue Huskies, on Flickr
(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 8582093508_250e65eee9_z
Scarlette by Arctic Blue Huskies, on Flickr
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySat Mar 23, 2013 1:58 am

She has grown up so beautifully already!! I'm sorry you have such an agonizing decision ahead of you. Good luck! I know I wouldn't be able to give her up after your time together.
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Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySat Mar 23, 2013 2:25 am

Zoey doesn't look amused witht hat experiment!

F that Jennet- we all know I wouldn't be able to say no to that! Lol I'd have another goddamn dog!

Force Free Training Thread
Cheyenne, Mishka, Mickey, Rodeo, & Odin
(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 6877191385_f831cf231c
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySat Mar 23, 2013 2:33 am

Lol Zoey hates her, and she's been so depressed since Scarlette has been around so I feel really bad even considering it.

I know Sad I want to keep her so bad but I just can't, she's a monster lol. I sent 3 people applications for her, I hope the person only 30 minutes from me is the best choice, or someone closer comes along..

I've debated asking my friend if she wants her, but I know her Husky doesn't get all the attention she should be and I'm just being selfish because I would get to see her all the time.
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySat Mar 23, 2013 10:55 pm

Scarlette leaves for her new home on Tuesday Sad ...sad day.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySat Mar 23, 2013 11:18 pm

Aww. Sad
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Join date : 2013-03-23
Location : Middle of MA, USA

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySat Mar 23, 2013 11:32 pm

Jennet, we send you much luck for the house deal!

Oh, that pup. Cannot take the cuteness ... cuteness ... (head explodes)

TG dear wife has not seen Scarlette's scrapbook. We are starting to seek out breeders in preparation for the future - our older dogs deserve our attention now. Scarlette would be, um, too much motivation.
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Female Join date : 2011-05-03
Location : Buffalo, NY

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySat Mar 23, 2013 11:46 pm

I'm sorry she has to go Sad It was so nice of you to take care of her!
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Female Join date : 2013-01-28
Location : Eau Claire, WI

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 12:09 am

Omg she's gotten so big! I can't wait to compare pictures of Mishka from when we first got her to see how much she's changed too! I can't wait til scarlett visits the dog park and we can see her grow up!
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Female Join date : 2012-01-29
Location : Broken Arrow, OK

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 9:27 am

Sad to hear you have to give her up..

Please get her new own to join the group so we can see more pictures of her as she grows up. Sad
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Female Join date : 2013-01-22
Location : Little Rock, AR

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 12:16 pm

so sad Sad how far away is she going Jennet?
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 12:23 pm

She's going about 30 minutes away so not too far. They plan on taking her to our dog park so I can see her still and invited me to come and urban mush with them when they get their dog scooter since they already have a 2 year old Husky Smile She'll be very happy
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Female Join date : 2013-02-17
Location : Brandon, FL

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 5:25 pm

Well it is good to hear you found a good home and she is one adorable pup
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 9:51 pm

Now she's leaving tomorrow afternoon instead, they can't wait to have her Sad UGH I'm secretly hoping that they hate her and bring her back, cause then there's no way she's leaving. She's so good, at 12 weeks old she jumps at the door to go potty, she can sleep out of the kennel with free roam of the bedroom without having an accident and not chewing anything and she has a fabulous recall, I want to keep her she's so perfect Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-01-29
Location : Broken Arrow, OK

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 9:56 pm

Jennet&Embry wrote:
Now she's leaving tomorrow afternoon instead, they can't wait to have her Sad UGH I'm secretly hoping that they hate her and bring her back, cause then there's no way she's leaving. She's so good, at 12 weeks old she jumps at the door to go potty, she can sleep out of the kennel with free roam of the bedroom without having an accident and not chewing anything and she has a fabulous recall, I want to keep her she's so perfect Smile

I do hope the new owners join the forum. I really want to see pictures of her growing up. I kind of wish you were keeping her but.... Zoey will probably be happy to see her go she is your Diva Queen-Bee in your house.

I wish you guys the best.
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 9:57 pm

Thanks, I'm definitely going to send her a link to the forum for sure
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptyWed Apr 17, 2013 10:08 pm

Update! Scarlette, is now named Suki in her new home. She's very happy there, and quite a bossy lady, just like I knew she'd be lol. She's almost 4 months old now too!

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 908857_578546395497069_940948926_n
(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 72829_10200168561195855_835047187_n

On a walk with her Husky brother Guss
(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 545886_10200191411567100_1543540463_n
and then a nap!
(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 563140_10200182984156420_1684127961_n

I'm sooo glad I found them for her home even though it was hard giving her up.
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Female Join date : 2011-12-26
Location : Alexandria, VA

(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13   (Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 EmptyWed Apr 17, 2013 10:15 pm

Aww she looks so happy Smile

Suki is such a beautiful girl!
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(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13 - Page 2 Empty
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(Foster)Scarlette's Scrapbook [left for her forever home 3.25.12!] UPDATED 9.8.13

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