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 What color is this? A type of sable or red?

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Female Join date : 2015-04-09
Location : Colorado Springs, CO

What color is this? A type of sable or red? Empty
PostSubject: What color is this? A type of sable or red?   What color is this? A type of sable or red? EmptyTue Feb 26, 2019 12:09 am

We brought home our little guy tonight. He has one of the most unique coats I've seen. At a distance, he appears a very light red/tan with white points. However, when you get him in the sun and are next to him you can see his coat is banded. He has hairs in different parts of him that are different colors, and those areas have black on them - like what you'd see with agouti or sable. It's odd because I've never seen such a light colored agouti before! His dad is AKC Great Pyrenees, and his mom is a Siberian Husky. We don't know if mom's mom (grandma) is AKC Sibe, but the grandfather (moms dad) was AKC Siberian Husky. I've seen dad's two other litters aside from his, and ALL his pups leaned heavily towards the Pyrenees side, with facial badger markings and primarily white bodies. Out of his litter, all were white except two black and white, and our boy who is reddish? He has his first vet appointment Friday. He seems pretty big for being just 8 weeks, but dad comes from a very large line of Great Pyrenees. Mom is a tall Sibe as well but looks very much 100% Sibe. She is black and white, and dad is your typical looking Great Pyrenees. I'd LOVE to know your guys's thoughts! <3

(as a newborn:) What color is this? A type of sable or red? Newbor10

What color is this? A type of sable or red? 110
What color is this? A type of sable or red? 211
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

What color is this? A type of sable or red? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What color is this? A type of sable or red?   What color is this? A type of sable or red? EmptyTue Feb 26, 2019 10:32 am

So the "breeders" are purposefully mixing pyrenees with siberian (since you mentioned this is the 2nd litter)? To what end? It's hard to say what the pyrenees genes will do to the siberian portion. Since pyrenees genes tend to force the coat white over time you may just end up with a lightly patterned cream dog once the puppy fur sheds off. Considering the pyrenees, it being a larger pup is to be expected. make sure that you are feeding a large breed good quality puppy food. Too rapid of growth can lead to growth defects in the joints. Huskies aren't meant to be large dogs and genetics when mixing in with large dogs and oversized base stock can be a little hairy health-wise.

What color is this? A type of sable or red? Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2015-04-09
Location : Colorado Springs, CO

What color is this? A type of sable or red? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What color is this? A type of sable or red?   What color is this? A type of sable or red? EmptyTue Feb 26, 2019 11:44 am

TwisterII wrote:
So the "breeders" are purposefully mixing pyrenees with siberian (since you mentioned this is the 2nd litter)? To what end? It's hard to say what the pyrenees genes will do to the siberian portion. Since pyrenees genes tend to force the coat white over time you may just end up with a lightly patterned cream dog once the puppy fur sheds off. Considering the pyrenees, it being a larger pup is to be expected. make sure that you are feeding a large breed good quality puppy food. Too rapid of growth can lead to growth defects in the joints. Huskies aren't meant to be large dogs and genetics when mixing in with large dogs and oversized base stock can be a little hairy health-wise.  

I'm a veterinary nurse, I understand all of that. She's not breeding anymore. She was wanting to bring about I think a mix between the two but said this was it and they'll all be getting neutered/spayed. It's a little ironic because he's one of the pups I really liked but I didn't try to get, etc. He was actually in a different home, went with them a little too early. They couldn't keep him (to the point he had to find a home ASAP by the end of the day) and my friend couldn't take him back. We stepped up and said we'd take him. We were wanting another pup, but were looking at a different litter through someone else for later in March. This is how he came to us at 8 weeks. Thank you for your reply though! Smile We'll be posting pics as he ages ^_^ <3
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Female Join date : 2017-06-07

What color is this? A type of sable or red? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What color is this? A type of sable or red?   What color is this? A type of sable or red? EmptyTue Feb 26, 2019 6:36 pm

Cute pup, he looks similar to this buddy from google images (husky pyrenees mix). I am not too sure about the correct terminology for all the colors :oops:
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

What color is this? A type of sable or red? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What color is this? A type of sable or red?   What color is this? A type of sable or red? EmptyTue Feb 26, 2019 6:58 pm

I think the color terms go out the window when its a mix. My butcher has a pair of Great Pyranees/Newfoundland mixes. Started out almost black, are now 2-3 years later, much more of a rusty red color. Oh. And slobbery as hell. As well as the biggest, loviest dufus's you ever want to see I love you I love you I love you
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What color is this? A type of sable or red?

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