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  Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today.

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Join date : 2018-09-13

 Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today. Empty
PostSubject: Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today.    Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today. EmptySat Oct 31, 2020 9:31 am

Hey very lucky today!

Earlier today I was walking my husky on a fairly new martingale collar and as I stopped for him to sniff around I looked down and......the leash mysteriously unclipped and was on the ground and he was a few inches from me seated looking away at something!affraid Luckily didn't notice the leash in time, as I quickly grabbed the collar and clipped.

If he noticed, he would have bolted and disappeared and I probably wont get him back, plus he also has a crazy high high prey drive....Which got me thinking that I should probably add more security.

He is currently on a martingale which is secure, but I was thinking of adding a long slip collar as a back up.
.....Now hear me out, the slip collar would be long enough that it doesn't ever tighten, but will work if the collar ever breaks, or unclips from the leash.

Thoughts? Thanks!

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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

 Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today.    Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today. EmptySat Oct 31, 2020 11:16 am

I've had a few mysterious leash disconnects myself. One fix I've used is to small the leash to a spring clip and the spring clip to the collar D ring. ( )

In addition, I use a carabineer to attach the leash attached collar to their flat collars that hold the ID tags .

Or, you can take a small piece of tubular webbing used for climbing and either sew it tie carabineers or snap clips to either end and attach the leash collar to a flat collar.

In addition, my backup is also an ecollar (NOTHING attached to it, it has probs and you do NOT want to pull on that collar!!!) We also routinely practice emergency "sit." Walking at a good clip, I will suddenly give a sharp sit command and stop.
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

 Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today.    Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today. EmptySat Oct 31, 2020 1:45 pm

If its clips your worried about and want a backup this peice of lunge equipment is not what i am pointing at but just for a general idea. So this particular one is just 2 snaps and a swivel, and what i have is a leather lead with 2 4 inch brass chains with bull snaps. If you take this one i have the link for to a saddle shop or a shoe repair/leather repair shop you could have a leash permanently attached and then if 1 snap goes wrong there is a second one.
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Female Join date : 2011-08-04
Location : Aurora, CO

 Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today.    Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today. EmptyFri Dec 04, 2020 8:56 pm

I tend to use harnesses when walking them and have been known to use a short rope with clips on both ends to attach collar and harness together. This has saved me hiking because Diablo has been known to slip the harness.
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Male Join date : 2010-12-22
Location : Portland, OR

 Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today.    Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today. EmptyWed Dec 09, 2020 2:06 am

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 Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today.    Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today. Empty

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Use a back up collar?.....Almost lost him today.

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